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MAP4C College Mathematics

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1 MAP4C College Mathematics

2 Welcome  Mr. Braun  Period 1 – Room 302  Extra-help time (Period 2 and Period 4 as well as before and after school if needed)  This course is designed to prepare you for College, an apprenticeship, or the work-force.

3 We’re in this together…  We’ll work together to make this semester successful for everyone  Extra help is always available  Be proactive – work hard and ask lots of questions

4 Expectations of Students  Arrive to class on time and ready to work and with all of your notes, pencil, paper, calculator – every day  Respect learning time by working quietly during class, working positively with each other and listening carefully to lessons and instructions, no cell phones  Stay on top of your work – you will have lots of time to finish work during class  Remember you’re preparing for the next step and your future  Have fun and learn at the same time

5 Late marks…  Assignment due dates are firm. There is some flexibility if you inform me that an assignment will be late, but if they have been marked and returned you will receive a mark of zero on the assignment.

6 Course Outline  Trigonometry & Geometry  Measurement  Statistics (1 variable and 2 variable stats)  Personal Finance (budgeting, annuities, mortgages)  Mathematical Models (linear, exponential, quadratic functions)

7 Mark Breakdown  70% - Term Work (assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, etc.)  15% - Performance Task (2 Statistics Investigations)  15% - Exam (2 hours)

8 Questions?

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