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HW ① Chapter 1-2 Huck Finn ② Chapter 1-2 Huck Finn Packet TAKE OUT -Your Tutorial Sheets -Additional Resources DO NOW Rate your performance in the group.

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Presentation on theme: "HW ① Chapter 1-2 Huck Finn ② Chapter 1-2 Huck Finn Packet TAKE OUT -Your Tutorial Sheets -Additional Resources DO NOW Rate your performance in the group."— Presentation transcript:

1 HW ① Chapter 1-2 Huck Finn ② Chapter 1-2 Huck Finn Packet TAKE OUT -Your Tutorial Sheets -Additional Resources DO NOW Rate your performance in the group discussion from yesterday. bottom of the page This worksheet

2 HUCK FINN Class Norms Raise your hand One speaker at a time. Be patient and let others speak without interrupting them. Speak loud and clear so that everyone can hear you Assume the best intentions Golden Rule Monitor your air space

3 You Will Need:

4 AGENDA Business:Announcements, Schedule, HW Explanation Huck Finn:Tutorials/ Discussions EXIT TICKET:3 Possible Whole Group Discussion Questions for Your Topic

5 Announcements: Your Future Do-Nows ESAT WARM-UP You will have a sheet of paper that helps you record your daily Do-Nows – Most days, they will be used to facilitate discussions – Other days, they may be used for reading checks, writing prompts… etc.

6 UNIT ASSESSMENT PROMPT Write an essay in which you analyze Huck Finn’s character traits and motivations. – What techniques does Twain use to reveal Huck’s character? – What does Huck’s dialogue and internal thoughts reveal about his traits and motivations? GQs

7 OBJECTIVE I will be able to create CONTEXT for the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by: – Successfully working in groups to plan and execute an insightful class presentation – Successfully leading and participating in thoughtful class discussions on background elements of Huck Finn




11 ROLES FACILITATOR – Initiates the whole class discussion by presenting the question REGULATOR – Monitors voice level, keeps everyone on task, ensures that everyone is heard equally ARTIST – Draws Images and/or Organizes the poster PRESENTER – Presents the information for the assigned article to the class WRITER – Records the information for the assigned article on your poster

12 PRESENTATIONS 1.Presenter will introduce your ASSIGNED ARTICLE to the whole class 1.What is the topic? 2.What are the 5Ws and How for your article? 2.Each individual group member will present the information for their additional resource 3.Facilitator will present the discussion question to the class CLASS MEMBERS TAKE NOTES ON THEIR GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS

13 HUCK FINN Class Norms Raise your hand One speaker at a time. Be patient and let others speak without interrupting them. Speak loud and clear so that everyone can hear you Assume the best intentions Golden Rule Monitor your air space

14 HOMEWORK: HF Comprehension Packet 10 31


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