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How to Write Up a Lab Report. Qualities of a Good Lab Report Neatly written or typed. Neatly written or typed. –If you make a mistake, either carefully.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write Up a Lab Report. Qualities of a Good Lab Report Neatly written or typed. Neatly written or typed. –If you make a mistake, either carefully."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write Up a Lab Report

2 Qualities of a Good Lab Report Neatly written or typed. Neatly written or typed. –If you make a mistake, either carefully erase it, use white out, or draw one line through it – No scribbles. All tables and graphs should be neatly drawn with a ruler or on the computer. All tables and graphs should be neatly drawn with a ruler or on the computer. You may use either pen or pencil, but: You may use either pen or pencil, but: –stay away from hard to read colors –and dont change colors mid-way through. All answers should be in complete sentences. All answers should be in complete sentences.

3 Format –Name: Mr. DeVicaris –Date: 9/18/08 –Period: 2 –Title – A2 Exploring Sensory Thresholds Skip a line Skip a line –Challenge – Determine which one of your senses – taste, smell, or sight – can detect the lowest concentration of a drink mix solution. Skip a line Skip a line –Safety Precautions – Do not share tasting cups, and do not add anything to the tasting cups, including your fingers. Skip a line Skip a line –Hypothesis – Answer step 2 of the procedure in a complete sentence and state why you think the way you do. Skip a line Skip a line –Data – Copy table on page A-14 Skip a line Skip a line –Analysis Questions

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