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Topographic Maps.

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Presentation on theme: "Topographic Maps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topographic Maps

2 What they show… Changes in elevation of Earth’s surface
Natural features (mountains, lakes, etc.) Man made features (cities, roads, etc.)

3 Topo Terms… Contour lines – lines on a map that connect points of equal elevation Elevation – height above sea level

4 Topo Terms (cont’d.)… Contour interval – difference in elevation between 2 adjacent (side-by-side) contour lines Index contours – contour lines that are labeled to help you find the contour interval


6 Topo Terms (cont’d.)… Map scale – compares distances on the map with distances on the Earth Legend – explains symbols used on the map Benchmark – point of known elevation

7 Rules to Remember… Contour lines NEVER touch or cross
Contour lines make closed circles around hills and depressions for example…


9 Rules to Remember… Hachure lines are used to show depressions
for example….


11 Rules to Remember… Contour lines form V’s that point to lower elevations when they cross a ridge Contour lines form V’s that point to higher elevations when they cross a stream for example…


13 Reading a Topo… Determine the contour interval Determine the map scale
Identify any hills or depressions Use the legend to identify man made features

14 Topo Profile… A cross section picture of the land surface
Determined by graphing contour lines Shows changes in elevation across a certain portion of the map

15 Try one…

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