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FIRO -B. FIRO-B ► Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation – Behavior. FIRO-B can be defined as the way in which an individual characteristically.

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Presentation on theme: "FIRO -B. FIRO-B ► Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation – Behavior. FIRO-B can be defined as the way in which an individual characteristically."— Presentation transcript:


2 FIRO-B ► Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation – Behavior. FIRO-B can be defined as the way in which an individual characteristically relates to other people.

3 Objectives Of FIRO-B ► To construct a measure of how an individual acts in interpersonal situations and ► To construct a measure that will lead to the prediction of interaction between people.

4 FIRO-B is designed to measure ► The individual’s behaviour towards others) ► The behaviour he wants from others ► In the three areas of interpersonal interaction i.e -Inclusion (I) -Inclusion (I) -Control (C) -Control (C) -Affection (A) -Affection (A)

5 Inclusion (I) ► Behaviour directed towards the satisfaction of the interpersonal need of inclusion, the need to maintain and establish a satisfactory relation with people with regards to association. ► Inclusion connotes interaction with people, attention, acknowledgement being known, prominence, recognition, prestige, individuality, understanding, interest, commitment and participation.

6 Continue ► Unlike affection it does not cannotes strong emotional attachment to people. ► Unlike control the preoccupation is with prominence not dominance.

7 Control (C) ► Behaviour directed to satisfy the interpersonal need for control, the need to maintain a satisfactory relation with people with respect to power and authority (control). ► It relates to making decisions, discipline, goal settings, dominance, guidance, giving directions, influencing, ruling, leading, antonyms to control would be rebellion, resistance, following, anarchy and submission.

8 Affection (A) ► Behaviour directed toward the satisfaction of interpersonal need for affection and love. It centers around feelings of warmth, love and emotional acceptance, friendship. ► Lack of affection would mean cool emotionally distant, dislike and hate. ► Affection involves sharing one’s inner anxieties, wishes and feelings.

9 ► Inclusion is concerned with – IN or OUT ► Control is concerned with – TOP or BOTTOM ► Affection is concerned with – CLOSE or FAR

10 Interpersonal Need ► A requirement for a person to establish a satisfactory relation between himself and other people. ► ‘Relations’ refers to the amount of interchange between himself and others and the degree to which he originates, receives behaviour.

11 ► Expressed Behaviour (E) (Actions taken by a person towards others) (Actions taken by a person towards others) ► Wanted Behaviour (W) (Behaviours from other people that a person feels will satisfy an interpersonal need. (Behaviours from other people that a person feels will satisfy an interpersonal need.

12 Dimension Expressed Wanted Behavior Behavior Inclusion - I initiate interaction I want to be included Control - I control People I want to be controlled Affection - I act close and I want people to be personal close and personal to me personal close and personal to me

13 Summary of parent child Relations ► Too Much - Inclusion is called enmeshing and leads to - Inclusion is called enmeshing and leads to person Over social person Over social - Control is called Dominate and leads to - Control is called Dominate and leads to person autocratic person autocratic - Affection is called smother and leads to - Affection is called smother and leads to person Over personal person Over personal

14 Too little ► Inclusion is called abandon and leads the person under social ► Control is called undirect and leads the person abdicating ► Affection is called unlove and leads the person underpersonal

15 Ideal ► Inclusion is called acceptance and leads the person social ► Control is called respect and leads the person democratic ► affection is called love and leads the person intimate

16 Inclusion (I) Social behaviour ► It is the behavior directed to satisfy the interpersonal need for the interaction or association or belonging. It Connotes ► Interaction with people ► Communication ► Belonging ► Appreciation ► Recognition

17 Continue… ► Prestige ► Understanding ► Interest ► Invitation ► Participation ► Attention ► Commitment ► Involvement

18 Affection (A) Emotional Openness ► It connotes the behavior directed to satisfy the interpersonal need for affection and love ► Affection connotes ► Emotional warmth and acceptance ► Friendship ► Intimacy ► Sharing deepest feelings, aspirations, worries etc.

19 Control © Leadership Behaviour ► It is the behaviour directed to satisfy the interpersonal need for control. ► Control Connotes ► Taking Initiatives & making decisions ► Making Decisions ► Taking Responsibility ► Giving Direction ► Enforcing discipline ► Goal setting and accountability

20 Abdicator Too little Control) Indicator ► Avoids responsibility ► Too people centered ► Ambiguous ► Escapes/Complaining ► Idealist ► Avoid decisions

21 Autocrat Indicator ► Monopolize decision making ► Suppresses Initiatives ► Centralize power ► Depower people ► No delegation or delegation without authority ► Exaggerate others’ weaknesses ► Create fear psychosis ► Kills creativity and innovations

22 Democrat indicator ► Takes initiatives ► Decisive ► Delegates ► Problem solver and result oriented ► Team builder ► Trusts ► Firm ► Empower people insightfully ► Induce commitment

23 Subconscious Childhood Decisions leading to Dysfunctional Behavior in Adulthood ► Inclusions (Social behaviour) Dysfunction Functional I am not wanted I am wanted I am not O.K I am O.K I don’t belong I do belong I am not Important I am Important

24 Control (Leader ship behavior) ► Dysfunction Functional I can never do it right I get things right I cannot decide I can decide I cannot think I can think I am not competent I am competent

25 Psychological Script inducing messages ► Dysfunction Functional No matter what I I impact life’s challenges Do, it changes with confidence and Nothing; life get energy Worse What I Feel think do, What I feel, think and Does not matter, what do, is important and can I do alone Valuable

26 Affection (Emotional Openness) ► Dysfunction Functional I am not likable I am likable Life is a disaster life is fun I am not lovable I am lovable

27 Existential dilemma ► Am I In or Out ► Am I Top or bottom ► Am I close or Distant

28 Existential Anxieties ► I may not be important ! ► I may not be competent ! ► I may not be likable !

29 The Solution (Elevation) ► Auto suggestions ► I am important ► I am competent ► I am likable ► Auto suggestions help release out subconscious energies leading to success.

30 Some good feelings ► Be realistic in your expectation of others and your self ► Give adult (objective, rational, relevant) facts or ask questions ► Be aware of the way you structure your time and energy ► Determine if organization structure provides you with the support you need to accomplish the necessary task of your job.

31 ► Speak to clarity and to create a successul working environment. ► Be a problem solver, realistic limit setter and authentic helper. ► Be aware of the way you give or receive positive and negative feedback.

32 INGREDIENTS OF DELEGATING ► Assigning role and responsibility. ► Agreeing on time frame. ► Agreeing on resources ► Agreeing on personnel. ► Stating / agreeing on standard of completion.

33 HOW TO DELEGATE GUIDELINES ► Assign responsibility with enough authority to handle task. ► Provide a frame work so that is understood and so that task becomes meaningful. ► Assign credit for completion of task. ► Be accountable for failure.


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