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Monday, 3/16/09 English 1 Homework

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Monday, 3/16/09 English 1 Homework SpVoc 24A Write your words 2 x; definitions 1 time. Test Cask Amontillado – turn in. Write 250 words about the story.

Monday, 3/16/09 English 1 Homework SpVoc 24A Write your words 2 x; definitions 1 time. Test Cask Amontillado – turn in. Write 250 words about the story.

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1 Monday, 3/16/09 English 1 Homework
SpVoc 24A Write your words 2 x; definitions 1 time.  Test Cask Amontillado – turn in. Write 250 words about the story. Need QB, SC. JH and MS add to rough drafts. In notebooks, right now: A.  Short Response:  Interpret Ending. Is Fortunato resting in peace? Is Montresor at peace? 100 words. B.  Extended Response:  Create a Monologue. What is Fortunato thinking as he waits to die? OR What is Montresor thinking as he waits for Fortunato to die. One page. Due 3/16/09 Monday.

2 Thursday, 3/26/09 Eng 1 Warm up:
What do you remember about Shakespeare? 25 words or less. Date and title. Write spelling words 3 times, definitions 1 x. Practice Test 25. Romeo and Juliet, Read goals, write academic vocab. , Shakespeare’s World, copy headings, 2 facts from each paragraph.

3 Thursday 4/2/09 Eng 1 Homework
Act 1, Scene 1 vocab and A-B Act 1, Scene 2 vocab and C Read Scenes and and vocab. Read Scene 5 and vocab, Questions Due today.

4 PQ 390 Characteristics Shakespearean Tragedy. 1. Tragic hero
2. Antagonist 3. Foil 4. Soliloquy 5. Aside 6. Dramatic irony 7. comic relief

5 Thursday, 4/2/09 English 1 Do 4 spelling words on rectangles.
Sharks/Peace of Wild Things/Grammar Test Act 1 vocab due Act 1 questions, 967. R/J Act 1 Crossword puzzle. R/J Act 1 Scrambled words. R/J Act 1 Mix/Match. Read library book 10 min. Up to 3 x 30 min.

6 English 1 Bingo 4/2/09 Act 1 questions, 967.
R/J Act 1 Crossword puzzle. R/J Act 1 Mix/Match. R/J Act 1 Scrambled words. Read library book 10 min. Up to 3 x 30 min.

7 Pop first one done. Write Spelling 26 words 3 x.
Write definitions 1 x. Sheet 26 due. Practice Spelling Test 26. Sharks/Peace of Wild Things/Grammar Test Act 1 vocab due Act 1 questions, 967. R&J vocab Library book Read 10 min.

8 Literary Analysis: Setting and Mood
Setting: Appalachian Trail is described by: Mood: Identify Author’s Perspective. Pay attention to: 1. 2. 3.

9 WB48,

10 Word List, 361. Look up the 8 words. Abysmal Buffeted Daunted
Reconnoiter Singularity Superannuated Unnerving veneer

11 Author Online Native Son, 4 facts. A Challenging Trip, 4 facts.
Background, A Path for the People, 4 facts.

12 A Walk in the Woods, 362-369. Write vocab and letters A-G.

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