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Creative Writing Day-by-day Archives from writing.html writing.html.

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1 Creative Writing Day-by-day Archives from writing.html writing.html

2 Monday, August 20, 2012  Class expectations/ syllabus  Fill out index card (name, email, parent contact, favorite subject, favorite book)  Interpret the quote: "Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own." -Carol Burnett

3 Tuesday, August 21, 2012  Journal #1: Why did you choose Creative Writing as your 8th hour elective? Please be brutally honest.  Reading: "Why I Write" by George OrwellWhy I Write  Discuss influential authors, our defining characteristics, the reasons we write

4 Wednesday, August 22, 2012  Read "Why I Write" by Terry Tempest Williams.Why I Write  Create a "Why I Write"  Use "Why I Write" to create a Wordle word cloudWordle

5 Thursday, August 23, 2012  Journal #2: What is your favorite literary work - this could be an article, novel, movie, story, etc. Explain why you like that type of literature and why you like that piece in particular.  Share Wordles  Discuss format for Workshop and look at due dates for poetry due dates  Go over rubric for creative writingrubric  How to write, from Howard JacobsonHoward Jacobson

6 6 Monday, August 27, 2012  Journal #3: Describe your earliest memory in vivid detail. Embellishing allowed.  Finish pass-around poem  Read various Haiku and discuss structure/content  Write Haiku Journal #3: Describe your earliest memory in vivid detail. Embellishing allowed. Finish pass-around poem Read various Haiku and discuss structure/content Write Haiku

7 7 Tuesday, August 28, 2012  Journal #4: Some people think that reading fiction is a waste of time. Do you agree? Why or why not?  Poetry form: Sestina. Read Elizabeth Bishop's "Sestina," John Ashbery's "Farm Implements and Rutabagas in a Landscape," and Jonah Winter's "Sestina: Bob."SestinaFarm Implements and Rutabagas in a LandscapeSestina: Bob

8 8 Wednesday, August 29, 2012  Journal #5: From the time we are toddlers, we begin to challenge authority and test our limits. Describe a time when you challenged authority. How did it go for you?  Continue work on sestinas  Come up with subjects for poems and the important 6 words for sestinas. Begin.

9 9 Thursday, August 30, 2012  Journal #6: What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do? How did you finish, or why did you give up?  Poetry slam

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