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Marxist White Collar Crime Clarke – White Collar Crime difficult to research easily concealed or disguised. Croall – Identifies two types of white collar.

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Presentation on theme: "Marxist White Collar Crime Clarke – White Collar Crime difficult to research easily concealed or disguised. Croall – Identifies two types of white collar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marxist White Collar Crime Clarke – White Collar Crime difficult to research easily concealed or disguised. Croall – Identifies two types of white collar crime. Occupational – Professionals, and Corporate – Businesses. Labelling – Mars, Employee expectations about what they deserve – help them to obtain a fair salary. Nelken – The powerful can define what is legal and illegal. Martin – Common goals need reaching. Box – same goals for organisations.

2 Marxist White Collar Crime 2 Portnoy – Search for thrills. Rouch – ‘Macho’ attitudes to risk. Sutherland – Crimes committed by persons of high responsibility in course of occupation. Marxists – Real criminals are rich and powerful. Snatz- capitalism involves maximisation of profits. Differential Association / Sub cultural – Sutherland, culture of organisations justifies comminting crimes to achieve company goals.

3 Marxist Traditional Marxism Criticisms – Victims ignored, other influences on law creation not accounted for. Chamblis – Vagrancy Laws. Chamblis – Law is for the benefit of the ruling class, who impose values on us which is called hegemony. Bonger – Capitalism Is about competition, greed and selfishness, and therefore crime can be described as normal. Crime by working class diverts attention from capitalism.

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