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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) /enlight.htm A presentation by Kati Radloff27.02.2003

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Presentation on theme: "Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) /enlight.htm A presentation by Kati Radloff27.02.2003"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) /enlight.htm A presentation by Kati Radloff27.02.2003

2 Leibniz‘ Fields of Interest MathematicsPhysics Philosophy

3 Leibniz‘ Father -died, when Leibniz was six years of age. - Leibniz‘ mother followed him a couple of years later

4 Nikolai-School Leibniz taught himself Latin at the age of 8. He graduated from this high school at 14 years of age as one of the best students. He then attended the philosophical and juridical faculty of the University of Altdorf.

5 The University of Altdorf Here, Leibniz graduated after 6 years of intense studying with a doctor‘s degree and a habilitation at the age of 20. Leibniz was offered a place to work as professor, but refused to become politically active.

6 Leibniz‘ mathematical discoveries 4_3_tangent.html Infinitesimal calculus Determinant calculus Binary System

7 Leibniz‘ mathematical discoveries Infinitesimal calculus Determinant calculus Binary arithmetics MathematicsPhysics Philosophy

8 Leibniz‘ Correspondences Among his 60000 pieces of writing are extensive correspondences, e.g. with mathematicians from China and Vietnam.

9 Leibniz‘ Intersubjectivity(1) Infinitesimal calculus Determinant calculus Binary arithmetics Binary machine theodizee MathematicsPhysics Philosophy

10 „One created everything out of nothing“ http;// Just as the whole of mathematics was constructed from 0 and 1, so the whole universe was generated of the pure being of God and nothingness.

11 Leibniz‘ Achievements Infinitesimal calculus Determinant calculus Binary arithmetics The term of „function“ monadology Binary machine Calculator theodizee MathematicsPhysics Philosophy Relativity theory Sentence of energy maintenance Continuity principle

12 Binary Machine and Calculator Binary machine Calculator

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