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Student Intervention & Support Services (SISS) Overview of the IEP Process Professional Development for Professional Staff Wednesday, May 7, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Intervention & Support Services (SISS) Overview of the IEP Process Professional Development for Professional Staff Wednesday, May 7, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Intervention & Support Services (SISS) Overview of the IEP Process Professional Development for Professional Staff Wednesday, May 7, 2014

2 Overview of Individual Educational Planning (IEP) Process The IEP is a legally binding document that specifies what special education services the student will receive. Therefore, what is put in the IEP, MUST be implemented, if not, a new IEP MUST be developed (see pages 1-2).

3 Overview of IEP Process IEPT Meeting Requirements Invitation to IEPT meeting - must include two (2) or more people and must include all necessary participants. Parent(s)/guardian(s) must be invited to ALL IEPT meetings via the IEPT invitation letter. The student must be included on the invitation when appropriate. An email is NOT an official invitation to the IEPT meeting.

4 Overview of IEP Process IEPT Meeting Requirements Parent, general and special education teacher, a person who can interpret evaluation results, district representative and student when appropriate are required members of the IEP team. All persons who conduct an evaluation,must participate in the IEPT meeting. Students participate when appropriate (high school). See pages 2-4

5 Overview of IEP Process IEPT Timelines An IEPT meeting must be held 30 school days after parental consent on the REED. This is for an initial or a re-evaluation. An IEP must be reviewed and revised at least annually or when appropriate.

6 Overview of IEP Process IEPT Timelines No IEP can lapse. This means that there must be an IEP in place by the beginning of each school year. The IEP is for 364 days, no exceptions. SISS recommends setting up IEPT meeting at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the IEP. Suggestions, a MET and/or IEP due at the beginning of January, should be completed in December. An IEP due at the beginning of September should be held in June.

7 Overview of IEP Process Home-bound or Home-based Services Home-bound means the student is out for medical reasons and a doctors note is required. Home-based means the student is on an Interim Alternative Educational Setting(IAES). An IEPT meeting must be held for any student receiving home-bound or home-based services. The appropriate services must be documented and provided in the IEP.

8 Overview of IEP Process Home-bound and Home-based Services The home-bound/home-based instructor must have the appropriate credentials to implement services. If the IEPT indicates that a special education teacher is required,then only a special education teacher can provide instruction. When appropriate, indicate “Coordinator” as the person responsible for providing instruction instead of special education teacher. A TC must remain on the IEP as well.

9 Overview of IEP Process Other Reminders Progress Reports- mail progress reports as often as general education reports on the progress of general education students. Draft of PLAAFP and Goals and Objectives should be sent home prior to the IEPT meeting. Goals & Objectives must be measurable. Demographics - check at each IEPT meeting and submit changes to ITD.

10 Thanks For All You Do! Happy Teacher Appreciate Week! The SISS Administrative Team Appreciates All of You! Keep Up The Great Work!

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