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WRAP-UP MODULE. GENERAL GUIDELINES Feel free to ask questions during a presentation. Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point. Speak one.

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Presentation on theme: "WRAP-UP MODULE. GENERAL GUIDELINES Feel free to ask questions during a presentation. Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point. Speak one."— Presentation transcript:


2 GENERAL GUIDELINES Feel free to ask questions during a presentation. Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point. Speak one at a time and so everyone can hear you. Please return from breaks promptly (or quietly).

3 VIRTUAL ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS Please ensure your phone is kept MUTED. NEVER put your phone on hold. Review participant logon screen features. Slides and reference materials are posted on-line.

4 Strategic Planning Process

5 Terms and Definitions

6 ASIS 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN ASIS International Vision Be the recognized leader advancing security worldwide. ASIS International Mission Promote excellence and leadership in the security management profession.

7 ASIS 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN ASIS International Goals 1. Fulfill the needs of members and the profession. 2. Deliver quality education and create opportunities for information exchange. 3. Develop and promote security standards. 4. Promote professionalism, certifications, and ethical conduct. 4. Advocate for ASIS International and the profession to key audiences. 5. Assure the strength of ASIS International.

8 Goal 1: Fulfill the Needs of Members and the Profession 1.1 Continue to research the needs of members and non-members as input for ASIS strategic and business planning purposes and to evaluate ASISs performance in fulfilling such expectations. 1.2 Ensure that all members receive benefit from ASISs programs and services in a cost-effective manner. 1.3 Continue to provide high levels of customer service and responsiveness. 1.4 Evaluate the impact of changing demographics, globalization, consolidation, ESRM and other industry trends on membership strategies.

9 Goal 2: Deliver Qualify Education, Research & Create Opportunities 2.1 Promote, collect, and disseminate valid research on key security topics in a very responsive and timely manner. 2.2 Accelerate the delivery of timely, relevant, searchable, and accessible education-information – delivered in user-friendly formats – to enable members to successfully develop and employ innovative security strategies in a resource scarce but at-risk environment. 2.3 Incorporate additional business management concepts and techniques and enterprise risk concepts and applications into ASISs education programs. 2.4 Provide education, information, and training on opportunities in the use of technologies for the implementation of security strategies.

10 Goal 2 Continued 2.5 Enhance educational programming and networking opportunities at chapter and regional levels. 2.6 Explore and enhance alternatives for member participation in ASIS programs, activities, and governance. 2.7 Develop a relevant body of knowledge to support ASIS programs and the maturation of the security profession. 2.8 Offer advanced education opportunities for security professionals. 2.9 Strengthen the ability of ASIS to provide timely access to relevant intelligence and information

11 Goal 3: Develop & Promote Security Standards 3.1 Continue to develop security standards and guidelines while effectively promoting ASISs standards and guidelines to members and non-members. 3.2 Promote understanding of and conformity to standards and guidelines developed by ASIS. 3.3 Ensure that standards and guidelines are integrated in all ASIS education programs, certifications, and publications in a consistent manner.

12 GOAL 4: Promote Professionalism, Certifications, & Ethical Conduct 4.1 Establish certification as a professional competency standard. 4.2 Analyze the need for additional certifications or modifications to existing certifications and, as appropriate, offer these credentials to security professionals. 4.3 Continue to educate members about their ethical responsibilities and to promote ethical conduct as a standard of professionalism throughout security.

13 GOAL 5: Advocate for ASIS International and the Profession to Key Audiences 5.1 Continue to build, market, and communicate its brand position as the recognized leader advancing security worldwide to members, non-members, and other key stakeholders in the security community of interest. 5.2 Promote the role and value of the security management profession, Chief Security Officer, and ASIS throughout the business community, media, government entities, and the public. 5.3 Provide guidance and support to government and industry to help develop effective strategies to address terrorism and other national security issues. 5.4 Continue to aggressively advance development of Enterprise Security Risk Management* and promote it to all levels of member and non-member security professionals as well as to other targeted stakeholders.

14 Goals #5 Continued 5.5 Collaborate with educational institutions, government agencies, the business community, and non-security disciplines to establish joint or ASIS- sponsored joint standards development, educational programs, and certifications. 5.6 Support and create opportunities for localized collection and dissemination of relevant intelligence sharing between and among public and private sectors. 5.7 Communicate ASISs role as standards developer to the media, government officials, and other targeted stakeholders.

15 GOAL 6: Assure the Strength of ASIS International 6.1 Monitor and rigorously assess/explore opportunities that expand and complement ASISs core membership. 6.2 Increase membership and retention. 6.3 Identify and obtain additional non-dues income from an array of sources. 6.4 Continue to review the ASIS organizational structure to effectively support delivery of relevant benefits to members. 6.5 Ensure that ASISs governance structure and processes use volunteer leadership resources in an effective and efficient manner.

16 YOUR 2013 CHAPTER BUSINESS PLAN Each Chapter Executive Committee is expected to develop their own business plan modeled on the 2013 ASIS International Strategic Plan. Describes what local actions the chapter leadership will take to achieve the goals outlined in ASIS International plan. Provide to your RVP who develops a regional plan. Also include as attachment in your January monthly chapter activity report posted to ASIS HQ web site. Due by mid-January 2013 to your RVP.

17 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP TO-DO LIST Hold your first 2013 Executive Committee planning meeting no later than December 31st: Decide chapter meeting schedule and venue(s) for year. Determine timeline milestones for major chapter events. (create a Master Calendar system on Excel) Identify any leadership gaps in chapter committees. Develop chapter business plan for 2013. Find out NOW what your members really want from their chapter and their chapter leaders in 2013: Email a Survey Monkey by February

18 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP TO-DO LIST Select your chapter recipient NOW and arrange to fax a completed Allan J. Cross Certification Award application to the ASIS Foundation after 12 AM EST on January 2nd to get the award. (Only 20 awards will be given worldwide!) Plan to host at least one chapter ASIS certification examination study group in 2013. Plan to host either a chapter training seminar or webinar for your members in 2013.

19 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP TO-DO LIST Decide NOW to compete for one or more ASIS chapter recognition awards in 2013: Community Service Award Newsletter of the Year Website of the Year I.B. Hale Chapter of the Year Decide NOW to recognize an unsung hero in your chapter by nominating him/her for the Criscuoli Volunteer of the Year Award.

20 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP TO-DO LIST Appoint a YP Committee Chair ( Mandated by ASIS HQ ) ASIS Foundation Matching Scholarship (Free $500) What other leadership focus items do you think should be added to this list?

21 LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE # 1 Operate your Chapter like its a business and you are the CEO! (Who is your BOD & your Stockholders?)

22 LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE # 2 YP Committee Chair appointed with three goals: (mandatory) YP Membership increased over 2012 (set realistic goal in your biz plan) Deliver 3 Presentations to recruit YPs via Academic/Professional Associations

23 LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE # 3 Soliciting for Chapter Committee Chairs Identify & appoint Chairs (Submit their names on chapter questionnaire to ASIS Headquarters) Set 3 Goals Set Timelines for Goals Make them realistic Align with your Strategic Chapter Business Plan (And then hold them accountable)

24 LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE # 4 Build your Business Plan for your Chapter and follow it like a roadmap (Youre heading where, why and by whom?)

25 59 TH ANNUAL SEMINAR AND EXHIBITS To Be Held In Chicago in September 2013. Make plans now to attend! Make sure it is advertised on your website. Share 5 minute informational on Seminar at each of your Chapter meetings. REMINDER : EACH CHAPTER WILL RECEIVE ONE FREE SEMINAR PASS FROM ASIS HEADQUARTERS. Decide how you will reward that PASS??

26 TRAINING SEMINAR FEEDBACK What did we do right? What did we do wrong? What should we add or change? Please call or e-mail me with your comments: 713-818-5818


28 o REGION 3C - RVP Charles Andrews, CPP Leadership by Chapter Chairman (lead by example) Engaged & Communicating: Your Chapter members (regular basis) Committee Chairs (set expectations & timelines & goals) Regional 3C ARVPs Regional Liaison (execute requests and ask for assistance) ASIS HQ – forms, requests and CARs (reporting is critical) Make the Value Proposition your common denominator in 2013!(In all that you do, ensure and express the value to the member through written communications, meetings, social events and training on a Chapter level) ASIS Leadership Expectations Share what is expected by Leaders of Chapters

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