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 Nuclear Family – consists of parents and children and usually small sized  Single-parented family - consists of one parent and their children usually.

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Presentation on theme: " Nuclear Family – consists of parents and children and usually small sized  Single-parented family - consists of one parent and their children usually."— Presentation transcript:


2  Nuclear Family – consists of parents and children and usually small sized  Single-parented family - consists of one parent and their children usually due to separation, divorce or death  Blended family- consists of two families joint together through second marriages. Includes step parents and step children  Extended family- consists of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. living together or in close proximity and big in size

3  Socialization of children  Economic cooperation and division of labour  Reproduction  Financial support  Affection, Emotional support and companionship  Psychological security  Nurture of children  Care, Supervision, Monitoring and interaction

4  1ImcJxqU#t=191 1ImcJxqU#t=191  In this scene we see Hayley return from the hospital with bad news. She bears the news to her husband Roy and his mother Sylvia.

5 In this scene, Hayley returns from the hospital after finding out her blood test results. She bears the news to Roy and his mother that she has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As any other husband would react, Roy is confused and distraught as he didn’t know how to handle the situation. Sylvia takes it well and shows her mother figure by correcting Roy’s reaction.

6 The article we chose in relation to our clip is about how the UK has one of the worst survival rates in Europe for the disease, which kills around 8,000 people a year. Research found almost two thirds of patients were told they had “nothing to worry about” on their first visit. And a similar number needed three or more appointments before the disease was finally spotted, but even then only 40% were referred to a specialist. Ali Stunt, chief of Pancreatic Cancer Action said it was “shameful” and added: “Delays are not inconveniences – people are dying because of them.” Only Slovenia, Malta, Ireland and Denmark are below the UK in the European survival table. This relates to our clip as the well know UK soap Coronation Street is publicising this current issue by creating a storyline showing the affect of cancer on certain families.

7 As cancer has become a common illness in most families today. Each family member will react in their own way. Like your loved one, members may have many feelings, sometimes all at once – shock, denial, anger, sadness, fear, frustration, resentment, or even relief. Each family member will cope with their emotions in their own way and at their own pace. Some may want to talk about your loved one’s illness and their feelings when others aren’t ready. Some may not want to talk at all.


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