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Search Editorial Policy & Process Tor Crockatt Editorial Performance Manager EMEA.

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Presentation on theme: "Search Editorial Policy & Process Tor Crockatt Editorial Performance Manager EMEA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Search Editorial Policy & Process Tor Crockatt Editorial Performance Manager EMEA

2 Contents 1.The Editorial Process 2.Drivers Behind our Approach 3.How Editorial Process helps your ROI 4.Style & Content Guidelines 5.Trademark Policy 6.Tips for Getting your Ads Approved

3 Presenting the adCenter Editorial Approach A Fine Blend of Man & Machine

4 Editorial Review Process 1.Client Submits Keywords & Ads 2.Editorial Verification Process (EVP) Ad Formatting & Syntax Inappropriate or Sensitive Content Relevancy 3 Possible Outcomes:

5 Editorial Process (cont’d)

6 Drivers Behind our Process User Experience Advertiser Experience High Quality Ads Non-Invasive Ads Relevant Ads Consumable Ads Accessible Ads Sufficiently Unique Ads Relevant Results Fair Competition Consistent Policy Great Customer Service Industry Parity High ROI Positive....

7 Relevancy, Quality and ROI

8 Page 8 | September 7, 2014 General Acceptance Policies Strong relevancy flow between keywords, ads and landing pages Site must be stable and respond reliably at peak times No sites “under construction” No pop-ups or mousetrapping Avoid frame URLs User must be able to access some content without having to register Deep-content landing pages: × ‘comic books’ - http://www.waterstones.com ‘comic books’ -

9 Page 9 | September 7, 2014 Microsoft adCenter Style Guide No excessive punctuation!!! Spelling and grammar must be accurate No use of ‘Click here!’ call to action Common abbreviations are allowed Use of certain characters is permitted - &, #, %, x, + NO Excessive CAPITALISATION Ads must not be repetitive, Ads must not be repetitive No excessive promotional copy No excessive superlatives

10 Page 10 | September 7, 2014 Style Example: UNACCEPTABLE The latest sony phones Click Now for the UK’s very BEST deals on Sony mobile phones!!! Free deliverey 290e4397yt48 ACCEPTABLE Buy the Latest Sony Phones Find great deals on Sony mobile phones at! Free delivery.

11 C O N T E N T P O L I C I E S

12 Content Restrictions

13 Allowed With Restrictions Health & Beauty Gambling Wine & Beer Vitamins & Minerals Environmental Claims Weight Loss & Diet Adult Toys Dating Specific Rules Apply!

14 Trademark Concerns

15 Page 15 | September 7, 2014 Trademark Policy We do not allow advertisers to use 3 rd party trademarks that are not relevant to their business Who can legitimately use them? 1.Brand owner 2.Legitimate retailers or distributors 3.Informational (as long as is truly that) Advertisers cannot purchase competitors’ brand keywords Keyword = ‘ford car’ Advertiser 1 = Ford Advertiser 2 = Autotrader Advertiser 3 = Toyota

16 Tips for Getting your Ad Approved Make sure that the ads do not contravene our content policy Screen keywords to ensure at least 90% of them are relevant Make sure that the landing pages are working and have relevant content that meets user intent Include the keywords in your titles Make sure that you have grouped keywords in the correct orders Do not exceed the character limits for ad text What will this mean for you? Fewer rejections, fewer delays and far better results for your customers!

17 Robocop’s Prime Directives 1."Serve the public trust“ User Experience 2."Protect the innocent“ Block all Unsavoury Content 3."Uphold the law" Implement Policies Consistently 4."Classified“Secret Sauce!

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