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EIAA Mediascope Europe Study Digital Mums June 2007 Conducted by:

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1 EIAA Mediascope Europe Study Digital Mums June 2007 Conducted by:

2 2 EIAA Objectives Champion and improve the understanding of online advertising as a medium Promote the efficiency of online advertising as part of the ‘media mix’ Think regionally, benefit regionally and at local level Increase the total value of investment into online advertising

3 3 EIAA – Who?

4 4 Background EIAA has made significant investment in research, particularly in the areas of media consumption and advertising efficiency, key projects include: Mediascope Europe Marketers Internet Ad Barometer Case Study Library Online Ad Effectiveness European Ad Formats As part of this commitment to research, the EIAA has for the past four years conducted a large scale study of media consumption habits in Europe enabling it to track changes in media consumption habits in order to illustrate how internet usage as a share of media consumption is changing and therefore how media planners should spend their client’s ad spend

5 5 Presentation agenda 1. Introduction to Mediascope Europe & Digital Mums Research objective Methodology & sample 2.Digital Mums Weekly internet usage Websites visited E-commerce Broadband penetration Web activities & Web 2.0 The impact of the internet

6 6 Background The European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA) was formed in 2001 to act as a common, pan-European voice for the interactive advertising industry Members are: AD Europe (Orange, United Internet Media and Libero), AdLINK Internet Media AG, AOL Europe, Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions, Tiscali, Yahoo! Europe, LYCOS Europe and wunderLOOP. EIAA has made significant investment in research, particularly in the areas of media consumption and advertising efficiency As part of this commitment to research, the EIAA has for the past four years conducted a large scale study of media consumption habits in Europe enabling it to track changes in media consumption habits in order to illustrate how internet usage as a share of media consumption is changing and therefore how media planners should spend their client’s ad spend SPA was awarded the 2005 Mediascope survey this time last year and in conjunction with Synovate successfully migrated the survey from Millward-Brown 2006 is the second year that SPA has managed the survey

7 7 PROJECT OBJECTIVE As part of the ongoing Mediascope Europe Study the broad aim of the Digital Mums research is to measure and track changes in media consumption patterns by women with children across Europe. This work will show when, why and how often mums are using different media – in particular usage of the Internet for content, communication and commerce Research Objectives – Digital Mums

8 8 Within each territory quotas were set to ensure our sample was representative of each market. Quotas were applied on: age, gender, education and regional distribution within countries Within each territory quotas were set to ensure our sample was representative of each market. Quotas were applied on: age, gender, education and regional distribution within countries TOTAL SAMPLE Germany – 1,008 Italy – 1,008 Spain – 1,002 France – 1,002 UK – 1,015 7,036 (1,313 women with children) interviews across 10 European countries Methodology & Sample Belgium – 500 Netherlands – 500 Sweden - 334 Norway - 334 Denmark - 333

9 9 Methodology & Sample 7,036 (1,313 women with children) Computer Aided Telephone Interviews (CATi) were conducted by Synovate on behalf of SPA and the EIAA in 9 EU countries and Norway A sample size of 7036 provides accurate data to ± 1.1 – 0.8% at the 95% confidence level Women with children sample size of 1313 provides accurate data to ± 2 – 3% at the 95% confidence level Fieldwork took place in all territories between 4th-25th September 2006 Interview length ranged from between 25-30 minutes The application of quotas ensured that representative samples were achieved in each country quotas on age, gender, education and regional distribution Results at the total level were weighted to take into account the different country’s population sizes. Using 2005 data from the UN the following weighting matrix was developed

10 10 Weekly internet usage & websites visited 62% of women with children in Europe now use the internet in a typical week, a 9% increase since 2005 75% of internet usage amongst European women with children is personal, women with children in Belgium (82%) and Germany (81%) have the highest levels of personal use European Mums’ use of technology (+47%), health (+27%), music (+19%) and local information (+18%) websites has increased significantly since 2005 Across Europe women with children aged 0-4 are far more likely to visit family and kids and banking and finance websites whereas film websites are more popular with women with kids aged 16-18

11 11 62% of European women with children use the internet during a typical week Q1a In a typical 7 day week, that is Monday to Sunday, can you tell me if you…? [Base: All Women with Children (n=1313)] 4% 8% 14% 18% 7% 19% 12% 9% 34% 15% Change from 2005 Women with children

12 12 75% of internet usage amongst European women with children is personal Q12. What proportion of typical weekly internet usage is personal? [Base: All women with children who use the internet (n=857)] Women with children who use the internet

13 13 European Mums’ use of technology, health and music websites has increased since 2005… Q7a. Which of the following types of websites do you visit at least once a month? [Base: All women with children who use the internet (n=857)] Women with children who use the internet Top 10 websites visited with biggest growth since 200520062005Year-on-year growth Technology22%15%+47% Mobile Phones22%17%+29% Health42%33%+27% Films35%28%+25% Music50%42%+19% Local information53%45%+18% Email87%77%+13% News59%52%+13% Price Comparison34%30%+13% Sports22%20%+10%

14 14 … Auction and banking and finance websites have also seen significant growth Q7a. Which of the following types of websites do you visit at least once a month? [Base: All women with children who use the internet (n=857)] Women with children who use the internet

15 15 The websites European Mums’ visit varies depending on the age of their children Q7a. Which of the following types of websites do you visit at least once a month? [Base: All women with children who use the internet (n=857)] Mums with children aged 0-4 are far more likely to visit banking and finance and family and kids websites and women with children aged 16-18 visit a great deal more films websites Women with children who use the internet

16 16 E-commerce 79% of women with children in Europe have bought a product/service online, buying an average of 10 items and spending €644 online in just six months European Women with children aged between 0-4 years have the highest percentage of internet users who shop online (87%) but women with children aged 10-15 spent an impressive average of €750 over the six month period

17 17 79% of European women with children have bought a product/service online Q16. Have you ever bought online any of the following products/services? European Women with children aged between 0-4 years have the highest percentage of internet users who shop online [Base: All Women using the internet (n=1878)]

18 18 Women with children in Europe who shop online buy on average 10 items and spend €644 [Base: All female Online Shoppers (n=1465)] Q18. In the last six months, how many purchases would you say you have made on-line? Q18/19. In the last six months, how many purchases would you say you have made on-line and approximately how much money would you say you spent in total on all your on-line purchases? Women with children aged 10-15 spent an impressive average of €750 over the six month period

19 19 Broadband penetration, web activities & web 2.0 69% of all female internet users in Europe use broadband at their main point of internet connection and 72% of women with children use broadband, a +38% increase since 2004 Use of the internet for relaxation and entertainment has increased amongst European women with children: 31% of women with children who use the internet regularly download music 28% listen to the radio online 16% enjoy online gaming sites European Mums are also using the internet to engage with other people and they are also getting increasingly connected with tools made popular by Web 2.0: 38% of women with children that use the internet instant message 22% regularly access social networking sites 16% enjoy contributing to online ratings and reviews 15% get involved in blogging

20 20 69% of all female internet users in Europe now use broadband at their main point of internet connection… QC3. Thinking about the place where you use the Internet the most, do you have a broadband connection? [Base: All Women using the internet (n=1878)] All women who use the internet Norway France UK Sweden Denmark Belgium Europe Netherlands Italy Spain Germany Women with children who use the internet [Base: All Women with Children using the internet (n=857)] Use Broadband

21 21 … Broadband penetration amongst women with children has increased 38% since 2004 Women with Children who use the internet [Base: All Women with Children using the internet (n=857)] QC3. Thinking about the place where you use the Internet the most, do you have a broadband connection? 2004-20052005-2006 Year on year change 21%14%

22 22 More European women with children are using the internet for entertainment and engagement Q7b. Which of the following web activities do you undertake at least once per month? [Base: All women with children who use the internet (n=857)] 22% of women with children visit social networking websites & 16% contribute to ratings and reviews Women with children who use the internet

23 23 The impact of the internet Approximately 70% of women with children in Europe find that the internet provides what they want when they want it 17% of women with children in Europe use the internet whilst they watch TV 69% of all European women with children admit to doing something less often as a result of the internet: 34% watch less TV 26% talk on the phone less 24% read less books 23% read less magazines 22% read less newspapers European Women with children prefer to use the internet during the evening (5.30pm to 9.00pm) – 65%

24 24 Approximately 70% of women with children in Europe find that the internet provides what they want when they want it Q5g. Which one type of media do you think fits best with this statement? Women with children using all media [Base: All Women with Children using all media]

25 25 17% of European women with children use the internet whilst watching TV Q5b-f. When you’re mainly watching TV, reading a newspaper, reading a magazine, listening to radio, using the internet, which other media do you sometimes use? Women with children who watch TV TV INTERNET NEWSPAPER RADIO MAGAZINE 17% 27% 4% 28% [Base: All Women with Children who watch TV (n=1258)] NONE: 43% All respondents in Europe who watch TV TV INTERNET NEWSPAPER RADIO MAGAZINE 15% 25% 5% 21% NONE: 48% [Base: All respondents in Europe who watch TV]

26 26 69% of European women with children do something less often as a result of the internet Q20b Which of the following do you less often (not through the internet) as a result of using the internet? [Base: All Women with Children using the internet (n=857)] Women with children who use the internet

27 27 65% of all European women with children use the internet during the evening [Base: All Women with Children using each type of media] Q1b. What times of the day do you typically…during week? Women with Children using each media

28 28 Key findings 62% of all European women with children use the internet during a seven day week 75% of internet usage amongst women with children in Europe is personal European mums visit more technology, health, music and local information websites than they did in 2005 and the websites mums visit varies depending on the age on their children 79% of European women with children shop online, buying and average of 10 items and spending €644 online Digital mums in Europe are developing a deeper involvement with online content in using the internet for relaxation and entertainment and are using the internet to engage with other people European mums multitask their media – 17% use the internet whilst they watch TV and 69% admit to doing something less often as a result of the internet

29 29 Key learnings TBD - AF

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