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Visual Studio 2010 and.NET Framework 4 Bernard Fedotoff

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1 Visual Studio 2010 and.NET Framework 4 Bernard Fedotoff

2 Agenda What’s new in.Net 4 VS 2010 Overview What ’s new with C# 4.0 What’s new With TFS 2010 What’s new for the Architects What’s new for the Developpers

3 Agenda What’s new in.Net 4 VS 2010 Overview What ’s new with C# 4.0 What’s new With TFS 2010 What’s new for the Architects What’s new for the Developpers

4 A Look Back….NET 1.0.NET 1.1.NET 2.0 3.0 3.5.NET 4 200220032008 CTP!2005-08 CLR 1.0 CLR 1.1 CLR 2.0 CLR 4 SP1

5 What Is The.NET Framework? Base Class Libraries The CLR JIT & NGEN Garbage Collector Security Model Exception Handling Loader & Binder WPF Win Forms DLR ASP.NET WCF And more! LINQ

6 The goal of CLR 4 Working Better Together… Faster… With Fewer Bugs… In-Proc SxS Native/Managed Interop DLR Integration Managed Extensibility Framework Threading Parallel Extensions Garbage Collection Profiling Code Contracts Debugging Corrupted State Exceptions

7 Agenda What’s new in.Net 4 VS 2010 Overview What ’s new with C# 4.0 What’s new With TFS 2010 What’s new for the Architects What’s new for the Developpers

8 Visual Studio Targets Many… Audience Feature Set Minimal Complete HobbyistEnterprise Professional Team System Express

9 New Look & Feel Web Deploy web.config Transformation Call Hierarchy Inline Call Tree Highlight References Document Map Margin Extensible Test Runner WPF-based Editor Sharepoint Tooling JQueryIntellisense HTML Snippets Historical Debugging Concurrency Profiler Parallel Tasks Window Parallel Stacks Window Quick Search Generate From Usage Improved Multi-Monitor MVC Tooling Dynamic Data Tooling Click-Once Enhancements for Office 64-bit Mixed-Mode Minidump Debugging Breakpoint Grouping Breakpoint Labeling Breakpoint Import/Export New Visual Studio 2010 Features… Improved WPF Tooling

10 The Two Faces of Visual Studio 2010 Visual Studio As An Editor Visual Studio As A Platform

11 … As An Editor An improved focus on… Writing code, Understanding code, Navigating code, Publishing code

12 … As A Platform New Extensible Editor allows editor to be easily extended to provide a rich and robust editing experience Online Visual Studio Gallery integrated directly into Visual Studio

13 Agenda What’s new in.Net 4 VS 2010 Overview What ’s new with C# 4.0 What’s new With TFS 2010 What’s new for the Architects What’s new for the Developpers

14 Magic value via temp variables GenerateChart(20, true); var processCount = 20; var copyToWord = true; GenerateChart(processCount, copyToWord); GenerateChart(20 /* processCount */, true /* copyToWord */); GenerateChart(processCount:20, copyToWord: true);

15 Optional Parameters void GenerateChart(int processCount) { GenerateChart(processCount, false); } void GenerateChart(int processCount, bool copyToWord) { // Do Something } void GenerateChart(int processCount, bool copyToWord = false) { // Do Something }

16 Dynamic Language dynamic calc = GetCalculator(); int sum = calc.Add(10, 20); Statically typed to be dynamic Dynamic method invocation Dynamic conversion

17 New Features in C# 4.0 & VB 10 FeatureVB10C#4 Auto-implemented Properties Collection Initializers Statement Lambdas Implicit Line ContinuationN/A Named/Optional Parameters Latebinding support (dynamic) Omit ref on COM calls New in Dev10 Already exists in VB9/C#3

18 New Features in C# 4.0 & VB 10 FeatureVB10C#4 Auto-implemented Properties Collection Initializers Statement Lambdas Implicit Line ContinuationN/A Named/Optional Parameters Latebinding support (dynamic) Omit ref on COM calls Interop with Dynamic Languages Co/contravariance PIA deployment not needed New in Dev10 Already exists in VB9/C#3

19 New Features in C# 4.0 & VB 10 FeatureVB10C#4 Auto-implemented Properties Collection Initializers Statement Lambdas Implicit Line ContinuationN/A Named/Optional Parameters Latebinding support (dynamic) Omit ref on COM calls Interop with Dynamic Languages Co/contravariance PIA deployment not needed Iterators XML Literals New in Dev10 Already exists in VB9/C#3

20 Agenda What’s new in.Net 4 VS 2010 Overview What ’s new with C# 4.0 What’s new With TFS 2010 What’s new for the Architects What’s new for the Developpers

21 Visual Studio Team System 2008

22 Visual Studio Team System 2010

23 Where are the metadatas ? Conceptual Level Logical Level Physical Level What How Using Traditional Approach AGILE

24 Identifying and Creating Personas Personification of user groups Represented as an individual Personification of user groups Represented as an individual Good personas are memorable and three dimensional Good personas are memorable and three dimensional Personas consider personality, work environment and characteristics Personas consider personality, work environment and characteristics Persona should be useful for decision making Persona should be useful for decision making Personas should have a memorable name Personas should have a memorable name Persona Benefits They separate “you” from your application’s customers By making them “real” they are easier to discuss They are more specific than RUP actors e.g. several personas for different demographics They help with role play activities They separate “you” from your application’s customers By making them “real” they are easier to discuss They are more specific than RUP actors e.g. several personas for different demographics They help with role play activities

25 Techniques for Capturing User Stories Persona Practices for Capturing User Stories Start with the goal Break the goal into a list of steps Start with “Persona does step” Then “Solution shows result” Use action verbs to enumerate steps Write scenarios in the user’s language Don’t detail alternate and exception paths initially Start with the goal Break the goal into a list of steps Start with “Persona does step” Then “Solution shows result” Use action verbs to enumerate steps Write scenarios in the user’s language Don’t detail alternate and exception paths initially Steps for persona to accomplish goal Steps for persona to accomplish goal User stories Goal

26 TFS 2010 No More Planning Black Box No More Late Surprises No More Stakeholder Surprises No More Bewildering Admin

27 No More Planning Black Box Top-to-Bottom Traceability Requirements Traceability Parent/Child Relationships Rollup and Drilldown Agile Planning Built-in product backlog mgmt Built-in iteration planning Easily customizable Great Project Integration Full dependency linking Full round-tripping w/ TFS

28 No More Late Surprises Reporting for mere mortals Generate reports from queries Manipulate data with Excel Friendlier OLAP cube Share the knowledge Embed reports via MOSS

29 No More Stakeholder Surprises Information-rich dashboards Roll-up reports show KPI’s Drill-down for further analysis Quickly customizable Easy interaction with developers Web-based bug filing Web-based feature requests Track status of bugs / features

30 No More Parallel Development Pain First class branches Server-side branch creation Visualize branch relationships Track change across branches History Timeline Richer Annotate Conflict resolution

31 No More Bewildering Admin MMC-based admin UI for common tasks Change service accounts Configure data tier Configure SSL Add /change SharePoint Configure reporting/analysis services Configure Team System Web Access Manage project collections Access log files

32 Agenda What’s new in.Net 4 VS 2010 Overview What ’s new with C# 4.0 What’s new With TFS 2010 What’s new for the Architects What’s new for the Developpers

33 Generate Graph Documents To explore the relationships and organization : Graphs are generated By Assembly, by Namespace or By Class Can be navigated to visualize dependencies Partial graphs can be created by using Architecture Explorer Layer Diagrams show organization and constraints

34 UML Diagrams Helps you to modelize User Requirements Use case diagram Who uses the system and what they do with it Conceptual class diagram Glossary of types that are used to describe the requirements; the types visible at the system's interface. Activity diagram Flow of work and information between activities performed by users and system or its parts. Sequence diagram Sequence of interactions between users and system or its parts. An alternative view to the activity diagram. Component Diagram show the major parts of the system

35 Agenda What’s new in.Net 4 VS 2010 Overview What ’s new with C# 4.0 What’s new With TFS 2010 What’s new for the Architects What’s new for the Developpers

36 Focus on code Quality IntelliTrace : « rewind » the debugging trace to examine the state of your application Enabled IntelliTrace in Visual Studio options Identifying code change impacts on test Verifying code by using units tests Enhance code quality with ckeck-in policies Track coding defects with Code Analysis Identify bottleneck with performance session Prototype with SketchFlow


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