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2nd Marking Period Warm Up Activities

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1 2nd Marking Period Warm Up Activities


3 October 9, 2012 While you are waiting Complete the color techniques.
Write three descriptive sentences for the following art work. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Focus for today Complete the color techniques. Begin to transfer to final paper.

4 October 10, 2012 Focus for this class period
While you are waiting Write three descriptive sentences for the following art work. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Focus for this class period Work on final “Impastable” drawing. Due Wednesday, October 17

5 October 11, 2012 Work on final “Impastable” drawing.
Focus for this class period While you are waiting Write three descriptive sentences for the following art work. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Work on final “Impastable” drawing. Due Wednesday, October 17

6 October 12, 2012 Focus for this class period
While you are waiting Write three descriptive sentences for the following art work. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Work on final “Impastable” drawing. Do you have cast shadows and reflective shadows? Do you need to add anything to fortify the positive space and enhance unity? Due Wednesday, October 17

7 October 16 Focus for this class period While you are waiting
Write three sentences analyzing the art work for the elements and principles of design. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Work on final “Impastable” drawing. Do you have cast shadows and reflective shadows? Do you need to add anything to fortify the positive space and enhance unity? Have you cleaned up the negative space? Due Wednesday, October 17

8 October 17, 2012 Complete the “Impastable” Drawing
Focus for this class period While you are waiting Write three sentences analyzing the art work for the elements and principles of design. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Complete the “Impastable” Drawing Attach your rubric with self grade and pass to teacher. Work on Escher tiling on front to portfolio.

9 October 18, 2012 Write an artist statement for your art work.
While you are waiting Focus for this class period Write three sentences analyzing the art work for the elements and principles of design. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Write an artist statement for your art work. Due October 19, 2012

10 October 19, 2012 Complete your artist statement. Due October 19, 2012
While you are waiting Focus for this class period Write three sentences analyzing the art work for the elements and principles of design. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Complete your artist statement. Due October 19, 2012 Begin Escher tiling on the front of your portfolio.

11 October 22, 2012 While you are waiting Focus for today Write three sentences drawing a conclusion about this art work. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Grade sketch book warm up activities – weeks one and two Prismacolor technique sheets Due Friday, October 26

12 October 23, 2012 Prismacolor technique sheets Due Friday, October 26
While you are waiting Focus for today Write three sentences drawing a conclusion about this art work. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Prismacolor technique sheets Due Friday, October 26

13 October 25, 2012 Prismacolor technique sheets Due Friday, October 26
While you are waiting Focus for today Write three sentences drawing a conclusion about this art work. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Prismacolor technique sheets Due Friday, October 26

14 October 26, 2012 Prismacolor technique sheets Due Friday, October 26
While you are waiting Focus for today Write three sentences drawing a conclusion about this art work. Apply the “Walsh Way” in your writing. Prismacolor technique sheets Due Friday, October 26 Begin contour drawings of famous artists

15 October 29, 2012 Write three sentences describing this art work.
While you are waiting Focus for the class Write three sentences describing this art work. Introduction to Cubism and artist Pablo Picasso Take notes for a grade

16 October 30, 2012 Romero Britto and Neo Cubism notes
While you are waiting Focus for the class Write three sentences describing this art work. Romero Britto and Neo Cubism notes Take notes for a grade

17 October 31, 2012 Contour drawings of famous artists
While you are waiting Focus for the class Write three sentences describing this art work. Contour drawings of famous artists

18 November 1, 2012 Contour drawings of famous artists
While you are waiting Focus for the class Contour drawings of famous artists Write three sentences describing this art work.

19 November 2 2012 Demonstration of abstraction of contour drawings
While you are waiting Focus for the class Write three sentences describing this art work. Demonstration of abstraction of contour drawings Abstract one drawing with curved lines, straight lines, curved and straight lines

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