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Did You Know the Weight of the World ? 1. So what are we going to do about this? 1/9/2014 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Did You Know the Weight of the World ? 1. So what are we going to do about this? 1/9/2014 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Did You Know the Weight of the World ? 1

2 So what are we going to do about this? 1/9/2014 2

3 Showing Respect for Others Ive got your back! 1/9/2014 3

4 Rev Up Your Heart! Low LevelHook Up Medium Level- Walking High LevelJumping Jacks 1/9/2014 4

5 Measuring your heart rate Put two fingers of one hand gently on one side of your neck. Can you feel a beating rhythm? Thats your pulse. We will measure our heart rate after each activity. We will count our heart beats for 6 seconds then multiply by 10. 1/9/2014 5

6 Resting Heart Rate 1/9/2014 6

7 Walking-medium HR 1/9/2014 7

8 Jumping Jacks High Level HR 1/9/2014 8

9 With your buddy… Draw a Tree Map Using the Structure Rally Robin, brainstorm a list of activities at low, medium and high levels. Keep working until you hear the chimes 1/9/2014 9

10 Performance Task Read the information about exercise and the heart. Write a script for a Public Service Announcement to convince kids to have less sit-ness and more fitness. Use only the information provided to construct your PSA. Be ready to perform your PSA for the class. 1/9/2014 10

11 What is a Public Service Announcement? A message in the public interest Broadcast by the media- To raise awareness To change public attitudes and choices about a social problem. 1/9/2014 11

12 Listen for the script 1/9/2014 12

13 Lets Get Going What is the title of your PSA? What are subtitles of your PSA? What will be your catchphrase? What emotion are you trying to communicate? Gather your contents/facts. 1/9/2014 13

14 Using Technology Place posters around the school with your QR code so your Public Service Announcements can be accessed through your website. 1/9/2014 14

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