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HOW TO SURVIVE AN ATOMIC BOMB!!! HOW TO SURVIVE AN ATOMIC BOMB!!! Upon watching the clip about Atomic Survival from 1951, answer the following questions:

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO SURVIVE AN ATOMIC BOMB!!! HOW TO SURVIVE AN ATOMIC BOMB!!! Upon watching the clip about Atomic Survival from 1951, answer the following questions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO SURVIVE AN ATOMIC BOMB!!! HOW TO SURVIVE AN ATOMIC BOMB!!! Upon watching the clip about Atomic Survival from 1951, answer the following questions: 1.What are some of your observations or thoughts? 2.How did the clip depict 1950s American life? 3.How did the clip make surviving a nuclear bomb sound? 4.Are there any moments in the clip that make the Atomic Survival clip seem biased?

2 The Beginning of the Cold War: 1945 - 1991 VS. Military, Political, Economic, & Social Competition to Be The Best in the World!

3 US & Russian Soldiers Meet at the Elbe River, Germany: April 25, 1945

4 Cuban Missile Crisis 1961 Cuba is 90 miles south of Florida!! Red Scare Part 2 Some People Really Thought This!!

5 Pop Culture Tie-in to Cold War After watching the four cartoons, answer the following question in your notebook: 1.What is happening in these videos? 2.How would you describe the relationship between the 2 main characters? 3.How, do you think, these characters are a metaphor for the Cold War? Video #1 Video #1 Video #2 Video #2 Video #3 Video #3 Video #4 Video #4

6 Spy vs. Spy A Metaphor for the Cold War

7 The Very First Spy vs. Spy Comic Strip Spy vs. Spy first showed up in MAD Magazine in 1961 Created by a Cuban immigrant escaping political persecution of that Communist country for criticizing Communist Dictator Fidel Castro The 2 characters Cloak & Dagger came to embody the absurdity of the way the U.S. & U.S.S.R. dealt with each other

8 Cloak & Dagger Characteristics Jot down 5 characteristics used to describe either characters in the Spy vs. Spy comics







15 SPIES LIKE US The usage of spies and espionage by both the U.S. & the U.S.S.R. highlighted the fact that both countries viewed the other as a threat Both were untrusting of the others actions and working in secret, these spies would pass sensitive information to the country they worked for in an effort to help them win the Cold War Some spies were double-agents working for the country they were, supposedly, spying on Later, military technology developed methods of espionage that did not require human intelligence

16 The Causes of the Cold War BELIEFSBELIEFS –The Soviet Union was a Communist country -- needs of the state are primary, ruled by a dictator –The USA was a Capitalist-Democracy which valued personal freedom and feared Communism AIMSAIMS –Stalin wanted huge reparations from Germany, and a buffer of friendly states to protect the USSR from being invaded again –USA wanted to protect democracy, and help Germany to recover. They were worried about the spread of communism in Eastern Europe and other areas of the world RESENTMENT ABOUT HISTORYRESENTMENT ABOUT HISTORY –U.S.S.R. could not forget 1918 attempts by U.S. & Britain to destroy the Russian Revolution. Stalin also thought that they had not given him enough help in WWII –Britain and the USA could not forget that Stalin had signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Germany in 1939 EVENTSEVENTS BARE

17 How Did These Events Contribute to the Rift Between the U.S. & U.S.S.R? EARLY EVENTS OF THE COLD WAR

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