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My F L I E By Candy I am Candy, a normal Chinese girl. I like colorful life and I always believe life is nice and need us to treasure. I grown in a small.

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Presentation on theme: "My F L I E By Candy I am Candy, a normal Chinese girl. I like colorful life and I always believe life is nice and need us to treasure. I grown in a small."— Presentation transcript:


2 My F L I E By Candy

3 I am Candy, a normal Chinese girl. I like colorful life and I always believe life is nice and need us to treasure. I grown in a small but peaceful and beautiful city. My mom told me she is pick up me from trash bin, and my dad always worry I eat too little. They all kind and cheerful people.

4 Hefei It is middle in china. It is capital of An Hui province. It have 1700 years history.

5 The night of the Hefei

6 The City

7 The Suburb

8 My friends

9 I love dog and cat

10 This photo took in Melbourne. And this guy is so brave but crazy. However, I like it !

11 I like any strange things

12 My hobbies When I have free time I like bake cookie for myself, and if I feel unhappy I just eat cookie make by myself I will have a good mood!


14 My favorite program

15 Conclusion I feel really happy that can share my life with your guys. And I hope your feel interesting about my presentation! Tha nk you !

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