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The Female Reproductive System

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1 The Female Reproductive System

2 Ovary Fallopian Tube Uterus Cervix Bladder Vagina Rectum Clitoris Urethra Labia Minora Labia Majora

3 Fallopian Tube Fimbriae Uterus Ovary Endometrium (lining) Cervix Vagina

4 The Organs Ova (singular: ovum) Ovaries Female Reproductive cells
Women are born with all of the ova she will ever release (approx. 400,000) Contains 23 chromosomes Only contains the X chromosome (to determine the sex of the baby) Ovaries The female glands that store the ova and produce female sex hormones. Progesterone – the hormone responsible for maintaining the endometrium Estrogen – the hormone responsible for thickening the endometrium

5 The Organs Uterus Fallopian Tubes
Hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ inside a female’s body Nourishes and protects the fertilized ovum from conception until birth. Cervix – the opening of the uterus Endometrium – the lining of the uterus Fallopian Tubes a pair of tubes with fingerlike projections that draw in the ovum Within the fallopian tubes are cilia These help the ovum move into the uterus.

6 The Organs Vagina a muscular elastic passageway that extends from the uterus to the outside of the body Only 4” – 6” deep

7 The Function Ovulation Menstruation
The process of releasing a mature ovum into the fallopian tube each month Most women only release one egg per cycle Menstruation The shedding of the endometrium It only sheds if there is no fertilized egg during the cycle Most females begin their first menstrual cycle between the ages of 10 – 15. Poor nutrition, stress, and illness can affect the regularity of the cycle

8 The Menstrual Cycle On average, the Menstrual Cycle lasts 28 days.
Start the count on the first day of the Period. Days 1 – 5: Female is menstruating while a new egg is maturing in the ovary. Egg continues to mature until day 13. Day 14: Ovulation usually occurs Estrogen and Progesterone are at their highest levels during this week. Days 15 – 20: The egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus Days 21 – 28: If the egg is not fertilized, menstruation begins after 7 days in the uterus. Estrogen and Progesterone levels drop during this week.

9 Problems of the Female Reproductive System
Dysmenorrhea – a painful menstrual period where severe cramping occurs PMS – a disorder caused by hormonal changes. Its symptoms may include nervous tension, mood swings, cramping, bloating and weight gain Toxic Shock Syndrome – a rare but serious bacterial (staph) infection that affects the immune system and the liver, and can be fatal PID – an infection of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the surrounding areas of the pelvis, usually caused by an STI Ovarian cysts – Fluid filled sacs that may develop on or around the ovary. It may be benign or malignant.

10 Care of the Female Reproductive System
Bathe Regularly Practice abstinence from Sexual Activity Breast Self – Exam

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