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Grades 5-8. 5-8 Standards: A2,10,B9 – Grade 5 Operating System Name files appropriately Network Resources Save files to the U drive and Work folder Open.

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Presentation on theme: "Grades 5-8. 5-8 Standards: A2,10,B9 – Grade 5 Operating System Name files appropriately Network Resources Save files to the U drive and Work folder Open."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grades 5-8

2 5-8 Standards: A2,10,B9 – Grade 5 Operating System Name files appropriately Network Resources Save files to the U drive and Work folder Open files from the U drive and the Work folder Can explain the importance of network security Hardware Problems Reboots the computer when necessary Handle web page errors correctly (retypes web address, refreshes screen)

3 5-8 Standards: A2,10,12,B9 – Grade 6 Operating System Create subfolders Organize files into appropriate folders Name files appropriately Network Resources Save files to the U drive and Work folder Open files from the U drive and the Work folder Can explain the importance of network security Shortcuts Reboot computer to handle minor problems Hardware Problems Reboots the computer when necessary Handle web page errors correctly (retypes web address, refreshes screen)

4 5-8 Standards: A2,10,12,B9 – Grade 7 Operating System Create subfolders Organize files into appropriate folders Name files appropriately Network Resources Save files to the U drive and Work folder Open files from the U drive and the Work folder Can explain the importance of network security Shortcuts Reboot computer to handle minor problems Hardware Problems Reboots the computer when necessary Handle web page errors correctly (retypes web address, refreshes screen)

5 5-8 Standards: A2,10,12,B9 – Grade 8 Operating System Create subfolders Organize files into appropriate folders Name files appropriately Network Resources Save files to the U drive and Work folder Open files from the U drive and the Work folder Can explain the importance of network security Shortcuts Reboot computer to handle minor problems Hardware Problems Reboots the computer when necessary Handle web page errors correctly (retypes web address, refreshes screen)

6 5-8 Standards: A5,6 - Word processing & Merging Documents Grade 6 Set margins Set line spacing Set page orientation Grade 8 Create a mail merged letter (8.1.8.A5, A6) Grade 5 Add word art Insert/format appropriate graphics (clip art and pictures from the Internet) Cut, copy, and paste text and graphics Grade 7 Create a table Create a bulleted list

7 5-8 Standards: A7 - Spreadsheet Grade 6 Create a chart with labeled columns Format cells – currency, %, decimal places Page Set up – set margins and orientation Use basic formulas – simple calculations, sum, average Create different types of graphs – bar, line, circle Interpret the data in a spreadsheet/graph Grade 8 Design a data table to be mail-merged Format cells appropriately Grade 5 Enter data into a teacher designed chart with labeled columns Resize columns Format cells – currency, %, decimal places Use basic formulas – simple calculations, sum Create a circle graph – change colors and show percents Grade 7 Design a spreadsheet to organize data effectively Sort data Use formulas and graphs to effectively present data Copy graphs into Word or PowerPoint

8 5-8 Standards: A8, B2 – Grade 5 Multimedia (PowerPoint) Create a slide presentation with at least 5 slides Uses an appropriate amount of text on each slide - legible font, colors visible with background Inserts appropriate clip art Adds appropriate animation Ethical Behaviors Cites sources

9 5-8 Standards: A8, B2, B10 – Grade 6 Multimedia (PowerPoint or Photo Story) Create a slide presentation with at least 5 slides Appropriate amount of text- legible font, colors visible with background Adds appropriate graphics – clip art and web Inserts sounds that enhance presentation – imports sounds from within the program Add appropriate animation and slide transitions Ethical Behaviors Cites sources Solve Problems Works in a group setting on collaborative projects such as a presentation or Internet research

10 5-8 Standards: A8, B2, B10 – Grade 7 Multimedia (PowerPoint or Photo Story) Create a slide presentation with at least 5 slides Appropriate amount of text- legible font, colors visible with background Adds appropriate graphics – clip art and web Inserts sounds that enhance presentation – adds sounds from the work folder or web Add appropriate animation and slide transitions Ethical Behaviors Cites sources Solve Problems Works in a group setting on collaborative projects such as a presentation or Internet research

11 5-8 Standards: A8, B2, B10 – Grade 8 Multimedia (PowerPoint, Photo Story, or Movie Maker) Create a slide presentation with at least 5 slides Appropriate amount of text- legible font, colors visible with background Adds appropriate graphics – clip art and web Inserts sounds that enhance presentation Add appropriate animation and slide transitions Adds video clip Ethical Behaviors Cites sources Solve Problems Works in a group setting on collaborative projects such as a presentation or Internet research

12 5-8 Standards: A11 – Graphic Organizers Grade 6 Create a concept map with at least 3 levels of complexity Change arrangement of shapes Add notes Switch to outline view & print outline Grade 8 Export outline to Word Copy and paste diagrams into Word or PowerPoint Use with other programs like United Streaming or Google Earth Grade 5 Open an existing template in Inspiration Change colors of symbols Add text – change font, color, and size Add built-in graphics Grade 7 Edit in outline view Add hyperlinks to Internet or other documents

13 5-8 Standards: A9 – Database Grade 8 Create simple database Create a table - define fields and add data Create a query Create a report using the wizard based on a query

14 5-8 Standards: B2,3,4,5 – Grades 5-8 AUP Understands all GTPS AUP expectations Legal & Ethical Behaviors Follows AUP – no disciplinary “write-ups” Internet Safety Protecting Private Identity Information Dealing with Online Bullies Chat and Message Safety Etiquette Understands guidelines for good manners in cyberspace: E-mail, instant messages, and chats

15 5-8 Standards: B6,7 – Grades 5-8 Appropriate Tools Use appropriate search engines & narrows search by using keywords and Boolean searches Chooses print resources when appropriate Accuracy, Relevance, Appropriateness Evaluating web sites for accuracy, relevance, appropriateness

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