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Financial Aid Night Scholarships. Four Scholarship Areas 1. Local Scholarships 2. North Hunterdon High School Scholarships 3. College- and University-based.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Aid Night Scholarships. Four Scholarship Areas 1. Local Scholarships 2. North Hunterdon High School Scholarships 3. College- and University-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Aid Night Scholarships

2 Four Scholarship Areas 1. Local Scholarships 2. North Hunterdon High School Scholarships 3. College- and University-based Scholarships 4. Gifted & Talented Program Scholarships and Opportunities

3 Local Scholarships Seniors only Scholarships offered by local businesses and organizations Dollar amounts vary—close to $100,000 awarded Students must complete an application process Local scholarship packets will be available on the guidance website in January and are due back in guidance by March 8.

4 North Hunterdon Scholarships Seniors only Awarded by subject-area departments for students who excel in academics and who show strong leadership in the classroom Awarded by activity clubs Students must be NOMINATED by faculty and staff—they may not apply for these awards

5 College- and University-Based Scholarships Seniors only Information available from each institution through admissions information, financial aid information, and college websites. It is a good idea to call early and get the information. Apply directly to the university. Where to get information? admissions and financial aid offices college websites Good websites: &

6 Gifted & Talented Local, state, and national scholarships and opportunities are offered to students in all grades through the Gifted & Talented Office

7 Local Scholarship Timeline Scholarship materials will be available on the Local Scholarship in January. Listen for announcements and check the scholarship link on the North Hunterdon website: Directions will be online. Please read all of the directions carefully so that your application is eligible. Everything must be NEAT and ORGANIZED Students must submit a separate application for each scholarship. Students must sign in and file the applications in Mrs. Slowinski’s filing cabinet. They CANNOT leave the applications in her mailbox! Return to Mrs. Slowinski no later than 3 pm. On March 8 th Hand them in early! There is a long line the last day.

8 Local Scholarship Application Procedures 1. Be sure to read the requirements of each scholarship carefully. 2. Check to see if the scholarships require a separate application. These can be downloaded online. 3. Complete Local Scholarship Application for each scholarship. Include any extra essays that are necessary for the scholarship. Please use a black or blue pen to complete the application. Be sure to complete all information and return application and/or essays etc.

9 4 Scholarship Procedure Types: A. The Local Scholarship Application only, and return to guidance B. The Local Application PLUS an additional application, and return to guidance C. The Local Application PLUS an additional application, and mail to sponsoring organization

10 Helpful Hints... Refer to essays written for college applications Start the essays early! Prepare in a neat, professional manner. Do not skip a part of the application! If you don’t have enough time to write an essay, then the scholarship committee doesn’t have enough time to read your application. Students need to contact me directly with any questions. Parents should not be filling out application packets! It is painfully obvious to the scholarship committees when a parent has done this. Helpful to add financial aid information when applicable, but not mandatory - Many scholarships are need based. Apply! Apply! Apply! You have to be in it to win it! Certain scholarships have very few applicants, so you never know.

11 Scholarship Notification Some sponsoring organizations will contact you directly All scholarship and recognition award recipients are invited to the Senior Awards Night. Please do not call the office asking if you won any scholarships. Everyone is welcome to attend and support our students! June 4 th at 7 p.m.

12 Gifted & Talented Program Coordinator: Carol Crawford-Jones

13 Gifted & Talented Local, state, and national scholarships and opportunities are offered to students in all grades One-of-a-kind scholarships Contests Special Interest Areas

14 One-of-a-kind Scholarships Applicants selected to apply by nomination, invitation and/or application. Some examples are: Star Ledger/Mort Pye Robert C. Byrd DAR Good Citizenship Principal’s Leadership Award Toyota Community Scholars

15 Contests Voice of Democracy Essays Poetry Public Speaking Artistic

16 Special-Interest Areas College and university merit scholarships First-generation student scholarships Community service recognition such as AXA and Sam Walton (Wal*Mart) Scholarships Ethnic, disabled, athletically talented, etc. Ronald McDonald House Scholarships All Students Ethnic: Asian, African American, Hispanic

17 Applying for Gifted & Talented Scholarships and Opportunities Check the website for information: Tal/Index.aspx Tal/Index.aspx Visit the G/T office (located inside the Guidance suite) for application materials if not offered online Comply with instructions and deadlines

18 Summary Plan ahead Read all instructions – please! Procure necessary documentation Prepare legibly – type if possible Submit prior to deadline Applications received after the deadline will be marked as late.

19 Remember... Your application is YOU on paper! All deadlines apply!! Be sure to provide Financial Aid information if you will be needing a scholarship. Many of the scholarships are based on need.

20 Contact Information Tiffany Slowinski Guidance Counselor Local Scholarship Coordinator (908) 713-4138 Carol Crawford-Jones Gifted & Talented Coordinator

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