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Bell Work: In your journal section …

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1 Bell Work: In your journal section …
Imagine you placed all your money for shopping in a backpack and are walking down a busy street. How would you feel if someone came up behind you, grabbed your backpack and ran off with it? How should such a thief be treated when caught?

2 “Thank You, M’am” Langston Hughes

3 About the Author: Langston Hughes
Born in Joplin, Missouri Favorite place as a boy was the library Began writing poetry in order to deal with constantly changing homes and growing up African American in the early 1900s. His grandma’s stories of slavery and freedom encouraged his love of words and understanding of African American history.

4 Langston Hughes cont. Columbia U (1 year)
1st collection of poetry (1926) The Weary Blues Internationally famous by 1930 “Thank You, M’am” is about city life for African Americans and the dignity of the common people of Harlem. The characters speak in urban dialects, using everyday speech and expression.

5 VOCABULARY – can you define these words using context clues?
Presentable – “You might run that comb through your hair so you will look presentable.” Mistrusted – “But the boy took care to sit on the far side of the room where he thought she could see him out of the corner of her eyes, if she wanted to. He did not trust the woman not to trust him. And he did not want to be mistrusted.” Latching – “And next time, do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook nor nobody else’s …”

6 VOCABULARY Presentable – (adj.) in proper order for being seen, met, etc. by others. Mistrusted – (v.) doubted Latching – (v.) grasping or attaching oneself to Barren – (adj.) Sterile, empty

7 Purpose for Reading To build vocabulary in context
To read, comprehend, and interpret a story To determine the story’s theme To extrapolate information from a story To respond to a story through writing, speaking, listening, and/or projects.

8 After Reading Questions
On page 187, why do you think Mrs. Jones’s left her door open? (Speculate) On page 188, why might Roger have chosen to stay (Assess) Mrs. Jones says, “I were young once and I wanted things I could not get” on page Why does she share these details about her life with Roger? (Interpret) If you were Mrs. Jones, what is the hardest question you would have asked yourself about Roger? What is the main question Roger might have asked himself about his own actions? (Theme)

9 What does Mrs. Jones say she would teach Roger if he were her son
What does Mrs. Jones say she would teach Roger if he were her son? (Comprehension) What reason does Roger give for trying to steal her purse? How does Mrs. Jones respond to this reason? (Comprehension) Why doesn’t Roger run away from Mrs. Jones’s apartment at the first opportunity? (Analyze) At the end of the story, why does Roger want to say more than just “Thank you, m’am”? (Interpret)

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