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DV Module 3 Benefits. Overview State Specific Module 3 Components Step Numbers Functions Documents Rules Definitions Comments.

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Presentation on theme: "DV Module 3 Benefits. Overview State Specific Module 3 Components Step Numbers Functions Documents Rules Definitions Comments."— Presentation transcript:

1 DV Module 3 Benefits

2 Overview State Specific Module 3 Components Step Numbers Functions Documents Rules Definitions Comments

3 State Specific Each state has its own Module 3 This manual contains the names of state- specific screens or documents the validator needs to look at when validating data elements in the samples and the rules that must be applied to determine the accuracy of each element Each state is responsible for reviewing their Module 3 each validation year to make sure it’s up to date

4 Module 3 Components Steps Substeps Documents Rules Functions Comments Definitional Issues Definitions **Green text is DOL maintained components and Blue text is state maintained components

5 Getting started Module 3 is maintained and kept at the National Office Obtain the current version on record for your state by contacting: You can request a PDF and/or a Word version of the document –Since Module 3 is maintained in an MS Access database, a Word version of the document will not have the correct format, but it can be used to annotate changes


7 Generic Components Steps Substeps Number of rules per step (structure) Functions Definitions

8 State Specific Components Document names Rules (fields and values from state database) Comments Definitional Issues Update when ever there are system changes


10 Step Numbers Step numbers are related to columns (data elements) for each sub-population defined in Appendix A

11 Step Numbers …and to each data element in a sample

12 Step Numbers These are not related to the order in which things need to be done. You do not always need to complete Step 1 and then do Step 2, followed by Step 3… Instead, the validator will validate each data element in the sample, in the order they appear on the worksheet, referring to the step number located on the column header. The step number is used to locate information in Module 3 pertaining to that element.

13 Example: Using Step Numbers When validating SSN in Sample 300 Look for Step 1B in Benefits Module 3

14 Step Numbers Some steps have substeps organized by letters. For example, in Step 3C, 3 is the step and C is the substep. To locate information on a data element use the step number and look it up in Module 3

15 Example: Using Step Numbers Use this rule to validate the data element Document or Screen to look up

16 Missing Step Numbers Not all populations use every step number Step numbers that are not needed for the population are not listed on Appendix A or the sample screens

17 Missing Step Numbers There are some step numbers that are totally missing in Module 3. (e.g. Steps 15, 22, 29 and 43) This is due to changes in the program Easier to skip the step number than renumber all the steps.

18 Functions States cannot change Same for every State Written by DOL Indicates the purpose of this rule A single step may have many functions

19 Documents Identify the document or screen name that contains the information associated with the function Different for every State More than one document or screen name can be indicated when multiple documents are required to validate a rule

20 Rules These are the instructions that the validator should follow to verify the accuracy of the data element Different for every State For example, it can specify what value should be found in that field –e.g. The field TRAN should have the code AC

21 Comments Enter additional comments that will help others verify the information for this Step number on the Data Validation worksheet Different for every State If your state is not able to validate this step, mention it here

22 Definitions Written by DOL Same for every State Don’t change them! These are taken from Handbook 401

23 Definitional Issues Document issues your state has with applying the definition – if any Different for every State Document how your state applies this definition – if needed

24 In Review State Specific Step Numbers –Sub steps Functions Documents Rules Definitions Comments

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