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Teacher notes I start my Y10 GCSE AQA A syllabus with the urban topic. But as a starter I play a video to get them to appreciate my enthusiasm for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher notes I start my Y10 GCSE AQA A syllabus with the urban topic. But as a starter I play a video to get them to appreciate my enthusiasm for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher notes I start my Y10 GCSE AQA A syllabus with the urban topic. But as a starter I play a video to get them to appreciate my enthusiasm for the subject) The aim of the lesson is to get them to think about different areas in their hometown and then compare it to the standard models. Any GCSE text book will have the appropriate information. The slides are free of pictures so as to not influence their own mental pictures of town.

2 Why does Mr. Anderson LOVE geography (play video Where the hell is Matt 2008)

3 Lesson Objectives 1/There are different zones within a city (urban area) 2/These zones often fit into a pattern 3/Salisbury has these different zones

4 Now lets start closer to home First thing I want you to do is to imagine that you are standing in the middle of Salisbury. 1. Please describe what you can see and what is nearby.....think about the buildings – what are they like? What about their age and size? What are they used for? 2. Also describe the people - how many are there? What are they doing? 3. Also mention the open space and natural features


6 1. Please describe what you can see and what is nearby.....think about the buildings – what are they like? What about their age and size? What are they used for? 2. Also describe the people - how many are there? What are they doing? 3. Also mention the open space and natural features 4. And finally how does this place make you FEEL?

7 1. Please describe what you can see and what is nearby.....think about the buildings – what are they like? What about their age and size? What are they used for? 2. Also describe the people - how many are there? What are they doing? 3. Also mention the open space and natural features 4. And finally how does this place make you FEEL?

8 Lets see now how Salisbury compares to typical cities and an urban model of what cities look like.


10 Use 3 sections and write in paragraphs)…here are some possible sentence starters) In some ways Salisbury is typical of an urban area as shown by Burgess model. For instance in the CBD...In the inner city....And in the suburbs However Salisbury also has some unique characteristics....such as.... Remember to refer to the characteristics mentioned in the text book and also to include your own ideas and to come to a justified conclusion.

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