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American History 1 EXPECTATIONS 1. Be in class, ready to learn when the bell begins to ring. 2. Student is to remain in his/her seat until dismissed by.

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Presentation on theme: "American History 1 EXPECTATIONS 1. Be in class, ready to learn when the bell begins to ring. 2. Student is to remain in his/her seat until dismissed by."— Presentation transcript:

1 American History 1 EXPECTATIONS 1. Be in class, ready to learn when the bell begins to ring. 2. Student is to remain in his/her seat until dismissed by the teacher. 3. Student is absent make sure you find out what you missed. 4. Be prepared for class. Keep yourself organized. 5. Water is encouraged. Food only on special occasions. 6.No electronics in class. 7.Respect is the key word.

2 Classroom Democracy 1. Raise hand before talking. 2. Be respectful of other people’s opinions and property. 3. No inappropriate language or put downs. 4. Keep up with current events. 5. Give your best effort!

3 Grading For Learning 1. A is 93 -100 60% is passing 2. Students will receive a knowledge grade and a life skills grade. Semester Grade is 10% practice and 90% knowledge. 3. Test retakes for the previous chapter must be completed before the next chapter is completed. Grading parameters are listed in student handbook. 4. No Retakes on Quizzes. A Quiz will not be over 20 Points. 5. No extra credit is available.

4 Poor Behavior If a student is disrupting the learning environment and making it difficult for me to teach or interfering with the student’s right to learn he/she will be removed from the classroom. The student will have a 30 minute detention to be served as soon as possible after the infraction. If The Time Is Not Made Up, The Student Will Receive An Incomplete.

5 I Don’t Want To See This Happening

6 Need Help! If you need extra help or have a concern to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am very excited about this school year. With your help, we can all have a positive school year.

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