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Review Animal Behavior (ch 44) and classes of animals (chart)

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Presentation on theme: "Review Animal Behavior (ch 44) and classes of animals (chart)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Animal Behavior (ch 44) and classes of animals (chart)

2 A baby kangaroo instantly knows to crawl to pouch, so it is _______ behavior.

3 Innate (instinct)

4 A duckling follows a puppy is exhibiting what type of behavior?

5 imprinting

6 The ability of a crow to bend wire to hook onto basket to pull it up is an example of?

7 Reasoning (problem solving) Maybe trial and error too? (operant)

8 Daily sleep pattern of a bat is an example of what type of rhythm?

9 circadian

10 Something in the environment that may arouse an organism?

11 stimulus

12 Is a mating call unique to individual or species? Why?

13 Species So it can be recognized by same species (females)

14 Natural selection favors a lynx’s behavior to favor who?

15 itself

16 What is operant conditioning? And give an example

17 Trial and error Rats push lever to get food Pigeons playing ping pong

18 All members of a spider species spins a similar web is an example of?

19 Fixed action pattern

20 Buffalo will always eat in the order from largest to smallest, is an example of?

21 Dominance Hierarchy

22 A mother duck will do what it takes to protect her young against a predator is an example of what type of behavior?

23 Altruistic

24 Is it an advantage or disadvantage to live in a group? Why?

25 Mostly an advantage – protection from predator and danger Divide up duties (bees)

26 What is classical conditioning? Example?

27 Associate response with stimulus Dog salivating to food and then bell Dog running to door when you get leash

28 A snake who has red and yellow on it is an example of? Why?

29 Aposematic coloring Warning color (red/yellow)

30 What class of animal is ectothermic, carries out external reproduction and lays 1000s of eggs?

31 fish

32 What class of animals are endothermic and lay eggs?

33 birds

34 What class of animals have a 3 chambered heart and breathe with skin and lungs?

35 amphibians

36 What class of vertebrates have a 4 chambered hearts, fully developed lungs and mammary glands?

37 mammals

38 A pillbug follows the scent of food is this an example of taxis or kinesis?

39 Taxis Some sense of order - following food Kinesis is random movement

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