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Highway 61/147th Street Intersection Business Meeting April 20, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Highway 61/147th Street Intersection Business Meeting April 20, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highway 61/147th Street Intersection Business Meeting April 20, 2010

2 Right and left turn lanes on TH 61, both directions Right/thru and left turn lanes on 147 th Street, both directions Realignment of TH 61 north of 146 th to 150 th Realign 147 th west of TH 61 Reconstruct 147 th Street from Fitzgerald to Foxhill Sidewalk reconstruction; add link to 148 th Street Traffic signal Minor water and sewer system repairs Project Overview

3 Total Project Cost:$2,700,000 Funding Sources State Funds City state-aid funds City water/sewer funds Project Cost/Financing

4 Construction Information Contractor: Arnt Construction Company, Inc. Schedule Begin construction: Week of April 26, 2010 Substantial completion: End of August, 2010

5 Construction Staging Stage 1 – West side of TH 61 & 147 th St Access to properties on west side of TH 61 Temporary signing/access to direct traffic 145 th Street unaffected 146 th /147 th – temporary closures to allow construction Maintain access to 150 th St./Post Office Maintain access to 150 th St./Post Office Little affect on access to east-side properties Little affect on access to east-side properties Duration 4-5 weeks weather permitting

6 Construction Staging Stage 2 – Center Section of TH 61 (1-2 weeks) Access will be maintained at street intersections – temporary closures for short duration Left turns will be limited to street accesses City staff/contractor will work with area businesses and will supply additional signage as needed City staff/contractor will work with area businesses and will supply additional signage as needed

7 Construction Staging Stage 3 – East side of TH 61 & 147 th St Access will be maintained at street intersections – temporary closures for short duration Access restrictions to residences and businesses on east side of TH 61 Left turns for southbound traffic limited to street intersections Concrete curb and gutter, driveway apron construction (3 days for concrete to cure) Duration 4-6 weeks weather permitting

8 Other Items Mail service will not be interrupted or modified during construction. Temporary mailboxes may be installed depending upon construction activity. City staff will notify affected property owners of any changes. Garbage service will not be interrupted or modified during construction City and WSB staff will be on site or available to answer questions or review concerns

9 Coordination Items/Communication Business hours of operation What days are your busiest? What days are less busy? When do you receive deliveries Do you use water as part of your business besides typical restrooms, sink, etc? Do you have a scheduled time when you will be closed (i.e. vacations, etc)? Inform us – we can help much more effectively if you do! We will communicate with you during construction

10 Construction Contacts Steve Duff – Sr Eng. Tech.651-762-6319 Email: Enter TH 61/147 th Street in the subject line City web site – Ross Engelking – Project Inspector612-202-7982 Nicholas Hentges – Project Manager 763-287-8523 Jay Kennedy – City Engineer763-287-7192

11 Questions/Comments

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