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Ch 1 Sec 1 Paleo Indians (Early/Ancient Native Americans) Migrated from Asia and Crossed the land Bridge that is were the Bering Strait is today Migrated.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 1 Sec 1 Paleo Indians (Early/Ancient Native Americans) Migrated from Asia and Crossed the land Bridge that is were the Bering Strait is today Migrated."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ch 1 Sec 1 Paleo Indians (Early/Ancient Native Americans) Migrated from Asia and Crossed the land Bridge that is were the Bering Strait is today Migrated from Asia and Crossed the land Bridge that is were the Bering Strait is today Scientists believe they arrived here some 25,000 years ago Scientists believe they arrived here some 25,000 years ago Followed their food supply south until they reached the tip of South America. Followed their food supply south until they reached the tip of South America.


4 Ch 1 Sec 1 Hunting Developments and changes in the climate made hunting easier Hunting Developments and changes in the climate made hunting easier Developments in farming and the extinction of several species of animals help make the group become more stationary and less nomadic Developments in farming and the extinction of several species of animals help make the group become more stationary and less nomadic

5 Ch 1 Sec 1 Farmers Development in farming lead to a more stable food supply. Especially with the domestication of certain types of food Development in farming lead to a more stable food supply. Especially with the domestication of certain types of food Because people stayed in one place more complex civilizations started Because people stayed in one place more complex civilizations started People had more time for leisure, which led to developments in centralized societies, population growth and improvements in trading routes. People had more time for leisure, which led to developments in centralized societies, population growth and improvements in trading routes. Unfortunately there was very little intermingling between different groups which left the early Native Americans prone to disease. Unfortunately there was very little intermingling between different groups which left the early Native Americans prone to disease.

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