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About Me...  This is my 10 th year of teaching.  I live in Hastings with my husband Erik, and my kids, Zak, Josh, and Ben.  My favorite things to do.

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Presentation on theme: "About Me...  This is my 10 th year of teaching.  I live in Hastings with my husband Erik, and my kids, Zak, Josh, and Ben.  My favorite things to do."— Presentation transcript:


2 About Me...  This is my 10 th year of teaching.  I live in Hastings with my husband Erik, and my kids, Zak, Josh, and Ben.  My favorite things to do when I am not teaching are to spend time with my family, read, travel and I like to do some canning.

3 Online access for textbooks is available. Please see information sheet. Social Studies Alive The social studies curriculum is student centered with engaging activity-based lessons. Including… Dramatic role-playing Creative simulations Dynamic group projects Writing activities

4 Curriculum Areas Geography Our Land & First People Exploration & Settlement The English Colonies The American Revolution Our New Nation Current Events Time for Kids

5 Expectations Come to class prepared Participate in class discussions Fill out Assignment Book Names on Papers Be able to work with a partner or in a small group Turn in work when it is due

6 Assessments Students will be tested at the end of each chapter Students will receive study guides approximately one week prior to test. We ask parents to sign the study guides and have their child return them to school. Students will receive responsibility points towards their grade.

7 Homework Policy All assigned work must be completed and handed in ON TIME to receive full credit. Late Work: Oops! Mistakes and emergencies happen, so each student will be allowed one late assignment coupon per trimester. This coupon allows a student to turn in a completed assignment late, to receive full credit. After this coupon has been used, all further late assignments will be worth half credit. Make-up Work Policy As stated in the HMS handbook, students will have 2 days for every absent to make up their work (2 days absent = 4 days to complete work) After this amount of time the late work policy goes into effect

8 Contact Me! My phone number is 480-7217 Email: My website: n.html n.html

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