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Questionnaire Methods of Organisational diagnosis BY RNK.

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1 Questionnaire Methods of Organisational diagnosis BY RNK

2 Introduction Most commonly used method. There are fairly standardised Q for orgn diagnosis. Choice of questionnaire will depend on purpose of diagnosis. Identify the group and use it.

3 Dimensions Diagnosed Through Q General organisational health by measuring perception of employees of the orgn. – Feeling of security – Need fulfillment – Job satisfaction – Scope of self actualisation – Power distribution – Happiness with the organisation. – Working of groups, Objectivity, Favourtism, distortion of communication, team spirit, conflict management etc.

4 Organisational Culture. Motivational climate. Role oriented variables. HRD climate (Openness, Collaboration, Trust Proaction, Risk taking etc. ). Leadership and supervisory styles. Job satisfaction, work motivation and work commitment

5 Assignment All the students must separately give marks out of 10 for all the dimensions given on above two slides. Thereafter make groups of 3-4 students and discuss your differences to come to common conclusion. One member from each group to give brief to rest of the class

6 How to Construct a Questionnaire? Ready made questionnaires are available for organizational analysis, however these have some limitations. The main disadvantage is that they may not suit the needs of the organisation seeking diagnosis. Therefore the organisation may need to construct a separate questionnaire. The factors given on the next slide be kept in mind while constructing.

7 The aggregate of perception indicates the organisational strength and short-comings. Consult the employees of the organisation while constructing the questionnaire as they can give correct input. Sample test the standardised questionnaire and modify as required. Use structured questionnaires as these are easier to analyse.

8 Administration and using Questionnaire Explain the purpose of administration of questionnaire. People who are conducting analysis should be trusted by organisational members. Do not ask respondents to identify themselves. The questionnaire should not be very long, for better quality of response. Admin Q in groups. Timing of Q admin is very important.

9 Assignment Construct a questionnaire to diagnose the examination system of JKPS.

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