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RIO+20 Social Watch Asia Regional Meeting 2-3 March 2012 Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel Isagani R Serrano President, PRRM Co-Convenor, Social Watch Philippines.

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Presentation on theme: "RIO+20 Social Watch Asia Regional Meeting 2-3 March 2012 Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel Isagani R Serrano President, PRRM Co-Convenor, Social Watch Philippines."— Presentation transcript:

1 RIO+20 Social Watch Asia Regional Meeting 2-3 March 2012 Pullman Bangkok King Power Hotel Isagani R Serrano President, PRRM Co-Convenor, Social Watch Philippines ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 1

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3 It’s been 40 years really 1972—UNCHE Stockholm 1992---UNCED or Earth Summit Rio 2002---Rio+10 Johannesburg 2012---UNCSD RIO+20 ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 3

4 RIO+20 Agenda Review/assessment GE---Green Economy w/in PR & SD IFSD---Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development New commitments, new promises ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 4

5 The RIO+20 process From 2009 UNGA resolution---3 Prepcoms, regional preparatory meetings (RPMs), parallel major groups’ events and SecGen’s specials, leading up to the June 2012 UNCSD summit in Rio So far, done with most, one final prepcom back- to-back with summit in Rio Outcome document: November 2011 Zero Draft kicking off formal negotiations mainly in cyberspace, with SecGen’s reference faves: ‘The Future We Want’ & ‘Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing’ ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 5

6 Why such agenda? Greening Take Two: we failed to green development in the last 20 years, so we need to try again. Maybe it’s institutions: UN didn’t act as one, so now let’s do ‘whole UN’ approach to deliver SD this time around. ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 6

7 1992 baseline: Humanity at a defining moment, Earth in the balance ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 7

8 20 years after Rio Serrano, 2009 PRRM ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting8

9 So many left behind 9 ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting

10 SusDev Indicator: Reduction of poverty & inequality ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 10

11 SusDev Indicator: reduction of pollution, regeneration of natural resources ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 11

12 Too much of this up there… ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 12

13 Social Agenda from Rio ‘92 Rio Declaration (running thru 26 principles) Agenda 21 (running thru all of 40 chapters, esp. Part 1 on socio-economic development, Part 3 on major groups, and Part 4 on means of implementation) UNFCCC (not just about CO2 in the air) UNFCBD (not just about flowers, birds & the bees) Statement on Forest Principles (not just about saving the lungs of the Earth) ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 13

14 Securing the Social Agenda from Rio ‘92 1993---human rights for all (Vienna) 1994---population (Cairo) 1995---social dev (Copenhagen) GE & women empowerment (Beijing) 1996---right to shelter, sustainable HS (Istanbul) & food security for all (Rome) 1997---EFA, lifelong learning (Hamburg) 2000---rights & freedoms (Millennium Declaration & MDGs) etc. etc. etc…… ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 14

15 What more? Social protection---restoring universality State obligation for financing development & public finance (PF) for social development and social protection Socially accountable public spending in face of worsening of 4Fs-crisis? ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 15

16 Good luck! ganiserrano prrm-swp social watch asia meeting 16

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