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What is the treatment?. For the Patient Chemotherapy- initial Enucleation- if unsuccessful.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the treatment?. For the Patient Chemotherapy- initial Enucleation- if unsuccessful."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the treatment?

2 For the Patient Chemotherapy- initial Enucleation- if unsuccessful

3 Medical Chemotherapy – Preservation of normal vision – Primary neoadjuvant chemotherapy or chemoreduction has been the most significant recent advance in the treatment of retinoblastoma. – Prophylactic chemotherapy is recommended if a tumor is in the optic nerve past the lamina cribrosa because these cases have a poor survival prognosis. – Use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy has the advantage of limiting the necessity for EBRT and reducing the possibility of EBRT-related complications.

4 Surgical Enucleation – Enucleation is performed when there is no chance of preserving useful vision in an eye. Patients generally requiring enucleation are those who present with total retinal detachments and/or the posterior segment is full of the tumor, in which case it is clear the patient cannot retain any form of useful vision.

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