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The Code on SANITATION of the Philippines. Presidential Decree No. 856 Code on Sanitation Dec 23, 1975 – Promulgation of the Code on Sanitation by President.

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Presentation on theme: "The Code on SANITATION of the Philippines. Presidential Decree No. 856 Code on Sanitation Dec 23, 1975 – Promulgation of the Code on Sanitation by President."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Code on SANITATION of the Philippines

2 Presidential Decree No. 856 Code on Sanitation Dec 23, 1975 – Promulgation of the Code on Sanitation by President Ferdinand E. Marcos Objective: – Directing public health services towards protection and promotion of the health of the Filipinos 3 people that made an effort to codify our health laws and regulations 1.Dr. Mariano Icasiano 2.Dr. Amadeo Cruz – City Health Officer of Manila 3.Director of Health Services List of those with significant contributions in the development of the code – Regional Provincial and City Health Offices – National Environmental Protection Commission – Metropolitan Water and Sewage System – Population Commission – Executive branch of the government: Labor, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Education, and Finance – Philippine Public Health Association – League of Public Health Engineers – Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers

3 Definition of Terms Code: Code on Sanitation of the Phils Department: DOH Secretary: Secretary of Health Regional Director: head of Regional Health Office Local Health Authority: responsible on the application of a prescribed health measure in a local political subdivision Health Officer: Provincial, City or Municipal Health Offcier Engineer: sanitary engineer Section: any section unless specified

4 Department of Health Functions: 1.Promotion and preservation of health and health standards 2.Extend maximum health services in rural areas and provide medical care to people who cannot afford due to poverty 3.Develop, administer and coordinate health activities and services 4.Upgrade the standards of medical practice and quality of health services 5.Assist local health agencies in developing public health programs 6.Issue permits to establish and operate hospitals, clinics, etc. 7.Prescribe standard rates of fees 8.Performed other functions provided by law

5 Authority of the Secretary – Promulgate rules and regulations to implement and enforce the provisions of this code Authority of the Bureau Directors – Develop plans, programs, operating standards and management techniques Authority of the Regional Directors – Administer health functions; implement policies, standards, and programs on health services; and enforce provisions of this code Authority of the Health Officers – Administer health functions under their jurisdcition; and enforce provisions of this code and rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Health

6 The Republic of the Phils recognizes international treaties agreements and conventions on public health. Proceedings and rights commenced and accrued upon the effectivity of this code should not be affected by its provisions but those arising after the date of effectivity should conform to the provisions. Power delegated and duty assigned to a public health officer may be exercised by an agent of the official pursuant to law. Notice, report, statement, or record should be written in English or Pilipino and sent through postal service. No compensation for the owner whose property is officially condemned or seized by government for the purpose of public health Duty expressly vested in a health officer is the concern of the superiors of health office (command responsibility)

7 WATER SUPPLY Standards for drinking water; bacteriological and chemical examinations; evaluation of results – conform to the National Drinking Water Standards Treatment of water; disinfection of contaminated water sources; distribution systems – conform with procedures of DOH Sites of water sources; delivery of water to consumers; operation, plans and specifications of water system; and certification of potability of drinking water should be approved by the Secretary of Health. Initial and Periodic examination are required for drinking water. Examination should be performed only in private and government laboratories accredited by DOH

8 Prohibited: Washing clothes or bathing within a radius of 25 m from any source of drinking water. Construction of artesians or well within 25 m from any source of pollution. Storage of radioactive sources or materials within a radius of 25 m from any source of drinking water unless safely enclosed by proper shielding. Physical connection between distribution system and other water supply unless reguarly examined and found to be safe and potable. Installation of booster pump direct from water distribution line.

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