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“Scientific Program” XI th Biennial Conference of SAARC Academy of Ophthalmology & 16 th Annual Islamabad Congress of Ophthalmology 3 rd to 6 th Oct 2013,

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Presentation on theme: "“Scientific Program” XI th Biennial Conference of SAARC Academy of Ophthalmology & 16 th Annual Islamabad Congress of Ophthalmology 3 rd to 6 th Oct 2013,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Scientific Program” XI th Biennial Conference of SAARC Academy of Ophthalmology & 16 th Annual Islamabad Congress of Ophthalmology 3 rd to 6 th Oct 2013, Pearl Continental Hotel, Bhurban. PAKISTAN

2 0900 - 1230 Pre-congress Workshop 1 Oculoplastics Fauji Foundation Hospital Rawalpindi 0900 - 1230 Pre-congress Workshop 2 Retinopathy of Prematurity Alshifa Trust Eye Hospital Rawalpindi 0900 - 1230 Pre-congress Workshop 3 Cornea Alshifa Trust Eye Hospital Rawalpindi 0900 - 1230 Pre-congress Workshop 4 Retina Armed Forces Institute of Ophthalmology Rawalpindi 1300-1400Lunch Armed Forces Institute of Ophthalmology Rawalpindi 1400 - 1700 Pre-congress Workshop 5 Refractive Surgery Armed Forces Institute of Ophthalmology Rawalpindi tDay 1 Oct 3, Thursday Pre-congress workshops

3 Hall 0900 - 1000 - 1130 - 1300 - 140 0 - 1500 - 1600 - 1730 Zaver Symposium 1: Free Papers 1 Symposium 3: Cataract 1 Symposium 7: Cornea 1 Lunch Symposiu m 10: Free Papers 3 Inaugurati on Ceremony Symposium 12: Uveitis 1 Bhurban Seminar 1: Retinal vasculiits Seminar 3: Diagnostics 1 Symposium 8: Surgical Retina Symposium 13: Eyelid Reconstruction Symposium : 11: Free Papers 4 Taipan Symposium 2: Community Ophth Symposium 4: Glaucoma Surgery update Symposium 9: Free Papers 2 IC 1: Surgical manageme nt of diabetic eye disease Symposium 14: Paed Ophth Mix platter Hall 0900- 1000 1000- 1100 1100- 1200 1200- 1300 1600-1730 Mirajan Seminar 2: HRM Symposiu m 5: Lacrimal and Dacryology Symposiu m 6: Interesti ng cases in paediatri c ophth Seminar 4: Medical Education IC 2: Botox for facial dystonias Seminar 5: Latest Advances in Glaucoma Lasers & surgery t Day 2 Oct 4, Friday

4 Hall 0900 - 1000 - 1130 - 1300 - 140 0 - 1500 - 1600 - 1730 Zaver Seminar 6: Diagnostics 2 Symposium 15: ROP Symposium 20: INNOVISION Lunch Memorial Lecture Stem Cell Therapy Seminar 10: Publish your paper in PJO Symposium 23: Live Refractive surgery Bhurban Seminar 7: Cataract 2 Symposium 16: Free Papers 5 Seminar 8: Uveitis 2 Symposiu m 21: Cornea 3 Symposium 24: Glaucoma Diagnosis update Taipan IC 3: OCT in Glaucoma Symposium 17: Cataract 3 Seminar 9: Strabismus Symposiu m 22: Paediatric cataract Symposium 25: Medical Retina Hall 0900- 1000 1000- 1100 1100- 1200 1200- 1300 1500- 1600 1600-1730 Mirajan IC 4: Corneal Infection Symposium 18: Oculoplastics Symposium 19: Cornea 2 IC 5: Retinal Detachment IC 6: Diagnosis and management of vitreomacular interface abn Symposium 26: Ptosis Surgery Kashmir Symposium 27:: Ocular manifestations of systemic diseases in children t Day 3 Oct 5, Saturday

5 Hall 0900 - 1000 - 1130 - 1300 - 1400 Zaver IC 7: Endonasal DCR Symposium 29: Free Papers 7 Residents Symposium 32: Orbit Lunch Bhurban Seminar 12: Surgery in Uveitis Symposium 30: Cornea 3 Symposium 33: Paed Ophth Taipan IC 8: Paed Glaucoma Symposium 31: Cataract 4 Symposium 34: Free Papers 8 Hall 0900-10001000-11001100-1200 Mirajan Symposium 28: Free Papers 6 Seminar 11: Retinoblastoma Seminar 12: Retina Interactive t Day 4 Oct 6, Sunday

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