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Tools & Techniques Plan-Do-Review PLAN DO REVIEW.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools & Techniques Plan-Do-Review PLAN DO REVIEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools & Techniques Plan-Do-Review PLAN DO REVIEW

2 Plan-Do-Review - T&T PLAN-DO-REVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW 2 What you can find in this document What is “Plan-Do-Review” (PDR) Key Principles to be Followed Links with Performance Measures and the Balanced Scorecard Activity Driven PDRs PDR Review Process Contacts Glossary of Terms CONTENTS

3 Plan-Do-Review - T&T PLAN-DO-REVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW 3 What is a “PDR” Agree the objectives and timeframe Identify key performance measures Identify key activities Identify key personnel/resource Measure progress Complete identified tasks Regularly review progress Identify shortfalls in performance or activity-based issues Agree corrective action with clear next steps P LAN DODO R EVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW “PDR” or Plan-Do-Review is a cyclical process which drives the identification, planning and successful completion of issues and activities. Definition

4 Plan-Do-Review - T&T PLAN-DO-REVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW 4 Key principles for Plan-Do-Review It provides a structured and disciplined approach to reviewing progress It can be applied to specific tasks or projects or ongoing performance measurement for a site, function or department It is data-driven to show performance trends at a glance, establish priorities and agreed ownership of issues and actions It gives visibility to performance improvement opportunities It is supported by visible and clear document capture as appropriate: –Key milestones –Performance targets –Status (traffic light) –Client and key people involved

5 Plan-Do-Review - T&T PLAN-DO-REVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW 5 The essence of PDR is its high visibility - The use of traffic lights is a simple way of showing status Simply indicate status or add key milestones/comments as well to develop the forward plan and build historical data - a PDR should be built around “balanced” measures. In control - On target Some slippage, should be able to recover. No immediate action Problems with process, immediate action required

6 Plan-Do-Review - T&T PLAN-DO-REVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW 6 PDRs are an effective process as they are activity-driven Use the PDR process for projects/team activities to monitor progress Its important to capture key milestones as well as the monthly status Clearly indicate who is accountable (has the “A”) for each activity line The “A” needs to provide updates for the review process

7 Plan-Do-Review - T&T PLAN-DO-REVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW 7 An EXAMPLE of an activity-driven PDR Microsoft Excel works well for creating an electronic PDR or it can be mapped on on a brown paper

8 Plan-Do-Review - T&T PLAN-DO-REVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW 8 Reviewing your PDR Have a process-owner to ensure that discipline and effectiveness in using the PDR are maintained Hold regular reviews (at least monthly) tabled as a formal agenda item Ensure that updates to the PDR are provided in advance of the review meetings Make use of an up-to-date and clear PDR map displayed in a common area for easy review Prioritise the review in line with traffic light status: –RED - immediate action required/clear need for discussion –AMBER = some additional next steps may be needed, limited discussion –GREEN = share success and best practice as time allows Focus on resolving issues to drive the process forward Use of the PDR process has been proven to dramatically improve team function and site delivery.

9 Plan-Do-Review - T&T PLAN-DO-REVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW 9 For further information or help... Simon Lees Allison Brindley Catriona Manser Paul Lidbetter Stefan Wisniewski Liz Goodwin Andy Coe

10 Plan-Do-Review - T&T PLAN-DO-REVIEW PLAN DO REVIEW 10 Glossary of terms Set of measures, split into 4 sections or quadrants - Financial, Internal, External and People - which are all taken into account to ensure balance in achieving Business objectives The responsible person, i.e. the individual who will actually do the task or activity A work-in-progress process map created on a large piece of kraft/brown paper which is displayed on a wall/board - it can demonstrate a current situation (“As-Is”) or can be used to develop future improvement proposals Quality On Time In Full On Time In Full Filled Pack Quality Checks Safety, Health and Environment Right First Time Balanced Scorecard “R” Brown Paper QUOTIF OTIF FPQC SHE RFT

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