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FY2011 Data Collections Conference Special Education Discipline Athens, Georgia September 1, 2010 Georgia Department of Education Divisions for Special.

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Presentation on theme: "FY2011 Data Collections Conference Special Education Discipline Athens, Georgia September 1, 2010 Georgia Department of Education Divisions for Special."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY2011 Data Collections Conference Special Education Discipline Athens, Georgia September 1, 2010 Georgia Department of Education Divisions for Special Education Services and Supports 1870 Twin Towers East Atlanta, Georgia 30334

2 Session Agenda Special Education Data ConnectionDiscipline and DisproportionalitySuspension DefinedGeorgia’s Status Continuation of Services Warning and Errors Discipline Reports New SWD Report on Suspensions

3 State Performance Plan Annual Performance Report Federal Reporting State Reporting Special Education Annual Report FTE CPI SR Class Size Performance Indicators (20) Environments Timelines Transitions Accuracy Disproportionality Parents Child Count Placement Personnel Discipline Assessment Exiting

4 Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)


6 Disproportionality for Discipline: The Big Picture Significant Disproportionality 1. Reserve 15% of the federal funds to provide Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) for at-risk students 2. Review and revise policies, procedures and practices 3. Publicly report any revisions on policies, procedures and practices

7 State Level Relative Risk for SWD Subgroups FY10 District SWD Relative Suspension Risk by Race** American Indian/Alaskan AsianBlackHispanicPacific Islander Two or More Races White*1.110.45 *Less than 10 students ** Subject to final verification

8 OSEP/WESTAT Reporting Directions for Federal Data Report (FDR) – Discipline Data elements related to a discipline event for a student that must be reported according to law. Out-of-school Suspension “Incidences in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes to another setting (e.g. home). This includes removals in which no IEP services are provided because the removal is 10 days or less as well as removals in which the child continues to receive services according to his/her IEP.” FDR- Table 5

9 While Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) requirements are unique to students with disabilities excluded from school for more than 10 days, reporting requirements are consistent with those for students without disabilities unless otherwise indicated in local board policy. Two issues: Compliance with FAPE (Continuation of Service) Reporting Requirements

10 OSEP/WESTAT Reporting Directions for Federal Data Report (FDR) – Discipline “If, following a discipline offense, the IEP team meets and determines that the child’s current placement is not the least restrictive environment for that child, and therefore makes a permanent change in the child’s IEP placement, DO NOT report the child on the FDR for discipline. If the child is suspended pending an IEP team meeting in which a his/her IEP placement is changed, the suspension must be reported.”

11 Comparison Among States Brad Bryant, State Superintendent of Schools “We will lead the nation in improving student achievement.” 11

12 Time Cost of a Discipline Referral (45 minutes per incident) 1000 Referrals per year Administrative Time (30 minutes)500 hours (63 days) Teacher Time (15 minutes)250 hours (32 days) Student Time (45 minutes)750 hours (94 days) Totals1500 hours lost! (188 instructional days)

13 Discipline Data Trends Brad Bryant, State Superintendent of Schools “We will lead the nation in improving student achievement.” 13 Three Year Trend FY10FY09FY08 Students Out-of-School Suspended/Expelled greater or equal to 10 Days in School Year1,4661,7084,755 Students with Disciplinary Removal Totaling greater than 10 Days4,7555,38710,668 Total Disciplinary Removal124,266137,425159,592

14 Review of Discipline Record Discipline Record Layout: Fiscal Year Period System Code School Code Student ID Discipline Incident Number Data Type Indicator Discipline Incident Date Discipline Type Discipline Incident – Context and Location Teacher ID Discipline Action Code Discipline Action Auxiliary Code Administrator ID Event Identifier Continuation of Services

15 Continuation of services flag must be “Y” for Event Code 30 (Out-of- school suspension) beyond cumulative suspensions of 11+ days

16 Out-of-school suspension 1-10 days (cumulative) – No services required Out-of-school suspension 11+ days (cumulative) – Services required (Continuation of Services) Continuation of Service Significant Disproportionality/Significant Discrepancy data are not influenced by Continuation of Services.

17 DIS090 Continuation of Services: “For students that receive out-of-school suspension or expulsion, indicate whether or not the student continued to receive education services during the disciplinary action. Enter ‘Y’ if student received education services and ‘N’ if student did not receive education services.”

18 DISCIPLINE ACTION CODE DISCIPLINE ACTION CODE indicates the action taken by a school administrator or administrator’s designee (pursuant to O.C.G.A 20-2-731 and 20-2-740). Discipline Action Code & Type Description 00 Continuation of Incident An entry of “00” for a DISCIPLINE ACTION CODE is acceptable only when the DATA TYPE INDICATOR is “2” indicating that an event with multiple incidents for a single action has occurred. 10 Corporal Punishment Corporal Punishment - corporal punishment was administered pursuant to O.C.G.A 20-2-731. 20 In-School Suspension In-School Suspension - placed in a state in-school suspension program. 30 Out-of-School Suspension Out-of-School Suspension - suspended out of school. 40 Expulsion Expulsion - expelled.

19 New Discipline Warnings 1.1.1W861 – Warning change - When Discipline Action Code equals “20” (ISS – in school suspension) or “30” (OSS – out-of-school suspension), issue warning that the Discipline Action Auxiliary code should not be greater than twenty (20) days. Exception: skip warning if the Discipline Action Code equals “20” and the Discipline Action Auxiliary code equals ‘99’ (that is, the in-school suspension lasted less than one day 1.1.2W862 – New warning - When System Code, School Code, Student ID, Discipline Incident Date, Discipline Incident Type, Discipline Action Code and Auxiliary Code are the same for more than one discipline record, issue warning. This is a possible duplication in an extract generated by the local software. Since we do not have a time stamp for an event, we cannot issue an error. Although it is possible that the same incident/action could occur on the same day, it is highly unlikely. ( User message: Possible duplicate - The SYSTEM CODE, SCHOOL CODE, STUDENT ID, INCIDENT DATE, INCIDENT TYPE, ACTION and AUXILIARY CODE are the same for more than one discipline record. To see most current data, see Report DIS092.) 1.1.3W863 – New warning – For Discipline Action Code = ’20’ or ‘30’ only. When System Code, School Code, Student ID, Discipline Incident Date and Auxiliary Code (number of days suspended) are the same for more than one discipline record, issue warning. This is a possible duplication of the number of days a student was suspended. (User message: Multiple suspensions reported for same student and date. To see most current data, see Report DIS091.) Note: Both warnings W862 and W863 reference new reports created to assist districts with resolving possible duplicate records generated by SIS extract software.

20 Review of Discipline Record Multiple Incidents - (Data Type Indicator 2) Example: Student caught fighting(08) and other discipline incidence (24), causing out-of-school suspension for 5 days. STUDENTRECORDINCIDENT NUMBER DATA TYPE INDICATOR INCIDENT DATE INCIDENT TYPE DISCIPLINE ACTION DISCIPLINE AUXILIARY CODE EVENT ID John DoeFirst E001201/24/100800S122 John DoeSecond E001101/24/1024305 (days)S122 Number of Incident for this student Incident continued in another record

21 W863 and Report DIS091 W863W863 - Multiple suspensions reported for same student and date. For most current data, see Report DIS091. What we are looking at: SYSTEM, SCHOOL, STUDENT ID, INCIDENT DATE, TYPE, ACTIONS ISS & OSS, AUXILIARY CODE Suspensions with Same Date and Day(s) # School Student ID Incident Action Code Auxillary Code (Days) Event Id IDNameNOIndicatorDateTypeContext 10199ABC Middle School123456789E00112008082524112039748 20199ABC Middle School123456789E00212008091824112049749 30199ABC Middle School123456789E00312008102224112059750 40199ABC Middle School123456789E00512008102324113039751 50199ABC Middle School123456789E00512008102324112039751 60199ABC Middle School123456789E00412008102324112039751 70199ABC Middle School123456789E00412008102324113039751 80199ABC Middle School123456789E00612008103124113059752

22 W862 and Report DIS092 W86W862 - Possible duplicate - The SYSTEM CODE, SCHOOL CODE, STUDENT ID, INCIDENT DATE, INCIDENT TYPE, ACTION and AUXILIARY CODE are the same for more than one discipline record. For most current data, see Report DIS092. What we are looking at: SYSTEM, SCHOOL, STUDENT ID, INCIDENT DATE, TYPE, ACTION, AUXILIARY CODE Possible Duplicated Discipline Records (W862) # School Student ID Incident Action Code Auxillary Code (Days) Event Id IDNameNOIndicatorDateTypeContext 1 0103ABC High School123456789E001120091021241120021139 2 0103ABC High School123456789E003120091103061120051142 3 0103ABC High School123456789E002120091103061120051142 4 0103ABC High School123456789E004120100223241120011156 Is this one incident or a double entry?

23 Remember: After your superintendent certifies the accuracy of the your Student Record, the opportunity for correction is not available.

24 Continuation of Services Code = “N”Total Days FY0821,995 FY 0913,283 FY10*11,687 * Number of days in FY10 without required FAPE documentation = 4,938 Discipline and IDEA Compliance Continuation of Services


26 Coming Soon… A new discipline report of students with suspension days greater than 10 days for the school year. focus is on students with disabilities (SWD) will include suspension counts for Non-SWD and SWD unduplicated student counts at district and school level for ISS less than or equal to 10 days ISS greater than ten days OSS less than or equal to 10 days OSS greater than 10 days total suspensions (ISS and OSS) greater than 10 days school level counts broken out by ethnicity/race links available down to student detail

27 Special Ed Suspensions Report System Level Row: one row per school within district Columns: unduplicated student count per column Click on School Name to drill down to school level report. School Code School Name Non – SWDStudents With Disabilities (SWD) ISS <= 10 DAYS ISS > 10 DAYS OSS <= 10 DAYS OSS > 10 DAYS Number of Students with Total Suspension Days (ISS and OSS) > 10 ISS <= 10 DAYS ISS > 10 DAYS OSS <= 10 DAYS OSS > 10 DAYS Number of Students with Total Suspension Days (ISS and OSS) > 10 Mutually exclusive – student counted in one or other col Number of students with > 10 days suspensions Mutually exclusive – student counted in one or other col Number of students with > 10 days suspensions

28 Special Ed Suspensions Report School Level Row: one row per Hispanic/race categories within school Columns: unduplicated student count per column Click on suspension counts to drill down to student level report. Hispanic/ Race Non – SWDStudents With Disabilities (SWD) ISS <= 10 DAYS ISS > 10 DAYS OSS <= 10 DAYS OSS > 10 DAYS Number of Students with Total Suspension Days (ISS and OSS) > 10 ISS <= 10 DAYS ISS > 10 DAYS OSS <= 10 DAYS OSS > 10 DAYS INumber of Students with Total Suspension Days (ISS and OSS) > 10 Mutually exclusive – student counted in one or other col

29 Special Ed Suspensions Report Student Level Row: one row per student within count group Columns: count of days per suspension category. Student ID Student Name Hispanic Ethnicity RaceGender Prior Suspension Days This Year Current School Suspension Days Total Suspension Days ISS DaysOSS DaysISS DaysOSS DaysISS DaysOSS DaysISS + OSS Days

30 What does your data say? Average office referrals per day/per month? Top problem behavior? Location of most problem behavior? Time of day? Students involved?

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