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CLERKS’ FORUMS 2010 Publishing Policies Hollie King May 2010.

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1 CLERKS’ FORUMS 2010 Publishing Policies Hollie King May 2010

2 “The governing body will be open and transparent in conducting its business. Its guiding principle will be that all minutes and papers are public documents and available for anyone to see on request “. Extract from SGS template for Standing Orders:

3 It is important that schools make access to information covered by the scheme as easy as possible. Where a school has no website, information should be available in hard copy, and must provide appropriate contact details. Where a school has a website this should be used. If required, information should also be available in hard copy. Freedom of Information Act – Model Publication Scheme

4 Pupils Staff Parents Local Community Local Authority OFSTED Which groups have a legitimate interest in information on policies?

5 Making policies accessible School Office School Website/Somerset Learning Platform Staff Notice Boards Class Notice Boards Parents’ Notice Boards (Primary Schools) School Prospectus

6 All policies are equal, but some are more equal than others… Schools should think about which policies affect which groups of the school community, and publicise them accordingly. Here are some to prioritise: Safeguarding; Equalities and Diversity (both OFSTED limiting grades); SEN; Home School Agreements; Pupil Behaviour and Discipline and, of course, Complaints against the School. So many policies - So little time!

7 Diverse Somerset An increasing number of schools in Somerset have pupils for whom English is not their first language. Consider whether some of your policies need to be made available in other languages. SGS website has some documents in translation. Free translation and interpretation available to Somerset

8 Schools are dynamic organisations – pupils, staff and governors come and go on a regular basis. Schools need to ensure that someone takes responsibility for ensuring that anyone who joins the school community is aware of the school’s policies Policies and Induction

9 Policies and the New Governor Include in the school’s own induction procedure Be selective – identify priority policies, policies due for immediate review and policies linked to the new governor’s committee responsibilities and/or stated interests. Not all at once!!!

10 Policy documents sent out in hard copy or by email? Considerations: Governors’ access to PC use at home Reviewing = making notes on the text (most PCs don’t have that facility) Use an interactive whiteboard at GB meetings Reviewing policy documents

11 Support from Governor Services Policy folder on website has been Statutory model policies recommended for adoption Statutory policies guidance notes Equalities model policies and guidance notes Recommended model policies recommended for adoption Recommended policies guidance notes

12 Collaborative working with other schools The White Paper – Your Children, Your Schools, our Future “More and more schools are now working together, to offer their pupils better curriculum and qualification choices, access to more specialist teaching and facilities, to improve behaviour and attendance, and to achieve better efficiency and value for money. That is why this White Paper emphasises schools working together.”

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