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Sales Perspective COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Teknik menganalisis pasar dalam level industri By Michael Porter.

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Presentation on theme: "Sales Perspective COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Teknik menganalisis pasar dalam level industri By Michael Porter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sales Perspective COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Teknik menganalisis pasar dalam level industri By Michael Porter

2 Michael Porter Approach Level industri / skala bisnis. melihat posisi : –survivability –profitability

3 Recent Rivalry (Marketing Mix: 4 P’s) Recent Rivalry (Marketing Mix: 4 P’s) Bargaining Power : Supplier Bargaining Power : New Comer Bargaining Power : New Comer Bargaining Power : Product Substitution Bargaining Power : Buyer

4 FAKTOR PENENTU PERSAINGAN SAAT INI Marketing Mix –Product/Price/Placement/Promotion Product Differentiation –Weak differentiation hinders survivability Brand –TOM enjoys higher survivability Supplier Exchange Cost –Raw Material < Parts Rivalry Complexity –Mixed Items harder to maintain than single item

5 FAKTOR PENENTU BAGI PENDATANG BARU (Entry Barrier ) Product Differentiation What company promise to consumer, expressed in tag line Brand What consumer think about, expressed in preference Government Policy Learning Curves Nokia vs Motorola Access to distribution network Economies of Scale and Capital Needs Resistance from existing companies

6 FAKTOR PENENTU ANCAMAN PRODUK SUBSTITUSI (Entry Barrier) Price and substitution product performance Biaya beralih pemasok Kecenderungan pembeli terhadap produk substitusi

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