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Impact of environment on consumer behaviour Why do you go to a particular store to make purchases? Seematti is the best place to buy clothes. I purchase.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of environment on consumer behaviour Why do you go to a particular store to make purchases? Seematti is the best place to buy clothes. I purchase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of environment on consumer behaviour Why do you go to a particular store to make purchases? Seematti is the best place to buy clothes. I purchase all my gold from TBZ Environmental arousal

2 Shopping orientations A shopping style that puts particular emphasis on certain activities or shopping motivations The way shoppers perform their task of shopping

3 Types of Shopping Styles MetaphorShopping style Detailed description ChameleonsProduct/ situation specific Continuously changing shopping style, influenced by mood swings, product category and situations Collectors/ gatherers StockpileTendency to buy in bulk, Dislike shopping, seek bargains Foragers Product/ Brand specific Lone shoppers, tendency to delay purchase till they get what they want

4 HibernantsIndifferentOpportunists, tendency to postpone purchase PredatorsNeed-drivenDislike shopping, finish it fast ScavengersShopping- oriented Enjoy shopping, impulsive purchasers, price driven

5 Shopping Orientations of Indians Experience sharing Managing stress Information seeking Exploring Relaxed after shopping Loyal Bargain seekers Go & grab List sticking Visiting unplanned Price driven Avoiding crowd Shopping from nearest store

6 Temporal effects


8 Organizational buying Process Organizational buying - “the decision making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products and services, and identify, evaluate and choose among alternative brands and suppliers”

9 Business market V/S Consumer market The business market consists of all the organizations that acquire goods and services used in the production of other products or services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others. Industries making up the business market are agriculture, forestry, and fisheries; mining; manufacturing; construction; transportation; communication; public utilities; banking, finance, and insurance; distribution; and services

10 Characteristics of business markets Fewer, larger buyers Close supplier-customer relationship Professional purchasing Several buying influences Multiple sales calls Derived demand Inelastic demand Fluctuating demand Geographically concentrated buyers Direct purchasing

11 Buying Situations Straight rebuy Modified rebuy New task

12 Participants in the business buying process THE BUYING CENTRE It is composed of “all those individuals and groups who participate in the purchasing decision-making process, who share some common goals and the risks arising from the decisions.”

13 ROLES IN THE PURCHASE DECISION PROCESS 1.Initiators 2.Users 3.Influencers 4.Deciders 5.Approvers 6.Buyers 7.Gatekeepers

14 Buying centre influences Each member of the buying centre is likely to give priority to very different decision criteria.


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