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Livelihood (SJSRY) Project Objectives/ Gaol : Building models at slum level for empowering poor groups to understand their rights and entitlements and.

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Presentation on theme: "Livelihood (SJSRY) Project Objectives/ Gaol : Building models at slum level for empowering poor groups to understand their rights and entitlements and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Livelihood (SJSRY) Project Objectives/ Gaol : Building models at slum level for empowering poor groups to understand their rights and entitlements and thereby gain enhanced ability to claim their rights in livelihood (SJSRY)

2 Methodology The Right to Information Act (RTI) Charters of service agencies Empowering the people. Collaborate with officials Local NGOs help. Participate(members Ship) in CDS Public hearing GRM

3 Desyanagar Baseline : – Still they are not getting facilities of SJSRY They are not aware about SJSRY In that slum 33 families eligible to get loan under SJSRY

4 Progress on Preparation vs Plan Action Plan vs progress 1.SJSRY PPT 2.RTI PPT

5 Progress on Empowerment vs Plan Creation of Peoples Committees and Sub committee on SJSRY Done But its not working properly Workshops on Charter Done 1) For Committee peoples 2) East Zone CDS members Workshops on RTI Done yet to do 1) For Committee peoples 2) East Zone CDS members Workshops on Public hearing yet to do Workshops on GRM Done

6 Progress on GRM vs Plan Sharing the baseline data Done Informal Interactions about objectives of the GRM with peoples committee and sub committees Done Collect the official/ PIO lists and address Done Collect Charter Done Prepare PPT of the charter. Make copies to distribute Done Collect grievance/Submit to the department OngoingDone 1)Collected in east zone 2) Collecting in Maha Zone Event Ongoing Fixed date on 13th august Follow up yet to do

7 Progress on Public Hearing vs plan Collect Information on Budgets and expenditure Done Got little information Budget analysis Ongoing Social audit yet to do Prepare Case Study Format/Case Study Not Done There is no find any special case in both Final report Not Done PPT on Findings Not Done Fixing the panel Not Done Sharing findings Not Done Event Not Done Submission of the panel decision Not Done Invole the media Not Done Follow up meetings with report Not Done

8 Progress on Documentation vs Plan Report Ong oing 1)all trainings and workshops reports done in both slums 2)all information updating blog. (workshops reports, Baseline gaps, PPT, Charter, Departments information, etc…) 3) RTI and Problem tracker.

9 2010 Action plan vs progress ( 1st Quarter ) Preparation IEC material on RTI/charters Empowerin g Workshops on Public hearing Workshops on GRM StrategiesActivities 1st Quarter ApAp MJ Remarks Ongoing Not Done Done in Both slums

10 2010 Action plan vs progress (1st Quarter) GRMSharing the baseline data Informal Interactions about objectives of the GRM with peoples committee and sub committees Collect the official/ PIO lists and address Collect Charter Prepare PPT of the charter. Make copies to distribute Collect grievance/Submit to the department Event Follow up Strategi es Activities 1st Quarter A MJu Remarks Done Collected Fixed date on 13 th Aug Not Done

11 Difficulties: 1. Mahadevapura zone officials not showing interest to select for CIVIC in their CDS as a member. 2. East zone CO's (officials) showing interest but in treat (CDS members supporting our CIVIC). 3) In both neighborhood groups have not get or consume the SJSRY schemes facilities till our participation. 4.Departments delayed to give RTI information Challenges : I am addressing other issues like BBMP welfare schemes, some pension schemes, scheme book revising.

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