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The Concept of Safe Migration From Indonesia Perspective Sri Setiawati, MA - IETO Taipei.

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Presentation on theme: "The Concept of Safe Migration From Indonesia Perspective Sri Setiawati, MA - IETO Taipei."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Concept of Safe Migration From Indonesia Perspective Sri Setiawati, MA - IETO Taipei

2 2 Outline Introduction Indonesia Overseas Contract Workers (IOCWs) Protection of IOCWs MoU Labour Laws Labour Attaches IETO Programmes for IOCWs

3 3 Introduction Concept of Migration (Intra Migration, Urbanization,Transmigration, International Migration) Reasons (Politics, Educations, Marriage/ Family reunion, Working) Types of IOCWs (Proffesional Jobs, Formal & Informal Workers) Low educated, big numbers, vulnerable, women, isolated.

4 4 Indonesia Overseas Contract Workers (IOCWs) General Characteristics of IOCWs Characteristics of IOCWs in Taiwan Mechanism of Placement : Pre Departure Process of Placement IOCWs During Employment Contract Post Employment Contract

5 5 General Characteristics of IOCWs Number of IOCWs +/- 3 million Age of IOCWs: 19-39 Years Education Background: 72% Primary Sch, 28% High Sch & Bachelor Sex of IOCWs: 26% Male, 74% Female Occupation of IOCWs Informal 78%, Formal 22% Destination Crountries: 47% Aspac, 45% Mideast, 8% Europ & America Place of Origin: Java, Jakarta, Lampung,NTB, NTT, Sulawesi, and Others

6 6 Characteristics of IOCWs in Taiwan Number of IOCWs : 149,000 Sex : 87% Female, 13% Male Occupation: 87% - informal workers (domestics workers) 13% - semi formal & formal workers (manufacturer & seafarer) Place of origin: East Java, Central Java, West Java, Lampung, Palembang, Medan, others Education: Yunior & Senior High School

7 7 Process of Placement IOCWs Selection Training Medical Competence Assessment Document Pre Departure Training Departure

8 8 During Employment Contract Understanding the contain of Employment Contract; Understanding of job description; Understanding of right and obligation; Knowing how to complaint; Report to Representative office & keep the contact person numbers.

9 9 Post Employment Contract Assistance for Returness to their village Incressing of Self Confident, Self Development, Family Welfare Remittance Social Improving knowledge, skill and education.

10 10 Protection of IOCWs Pre Departure Training Camp Processing document During Employment Contract Employment Contract MoU Labour Attache responsible for labour case Consulate Officer responsible for non labour case Post Employment Contract Arrangement of Returnees transportation to the village

11 11 Government Policies on IOCWs Act no. 39 year 2004 concerning on Placement and Protection of IOCWs Simplified Procedure of Placement of IOCWs: Ministrial Decree no. 16,17 & 18 Year 2009. Improvement of Insurance Mechanism : Ministerial Decree No.23 Year 2008 and no.per 07/Men/V/2010.

12 12 Government Policies on IOCWs Presidential Decree No. 81 Year 2006 concerning on National Board for Placement and Protection of IOCWs. Ministerial Decree No. 23 Year 2009 on Education and Traning for Candidates of IOCWs. MoU between Indonesia and 10 Destination Places for IOCWs. Labour Attaches in 11 Destination Countries

13 13 MoU Mou, between Indonesia with 9 destination places: Malaysia (2 MoU), South Korea, Jordan, Kuwait, Taiwan, United Emirate Arab, Australia, Qatar and Japan Draft MoU with 3 countries: Brunei Darussalam, Syria, and Lybia

14 14 Labour Laws Sufficient Labour Laws in Hong Kong and Singapore which cover Foreign Domestic Helpers including from Indonesia

15 15 Labour Attaches Aims : to protect IOCWs in Destination Countries There are 11 Labour Attache in 10 Destination places for IOCWs: Malaysia, Hong Kong, Arab Saudi (Riyadh & Jeddah), UEA, Kuwait, Brunei Darussalam, South Korea, Singapore Qatar and Taiwan

16 16 IETO PROGRAMMES For IOCWs Citizen Services (Labour, immigration & consular) Socialisation & training Protection of workers by solving their labour cases

17 Thank you 17

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