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Seminar 1 T-109.551 Research Seminar on Telecommunications Business II (3-4 cr) Sakari Luukkainen Helsinki University of Technology Telecommunications.

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar 1 T-109.551 Research Seminar on Telecommunications Business II (3-4 cr) Sakari Luukkainen Helsinki University of Technology Telecommunications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar 1 T-109.551 Research Seminar on Telecommunications Business II (3-4 cr) Sakari Luukkainen Helsinki University of Technology Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory

2 Seminar 2 Goals of the course Students taking Telecommunications Management for their major/minor this course provides an introduction for making and presenting the master's or PhD thesis Preferred prerequisites / knowledge: telecommunications networks, multimedia, innovation management To develop -techno-economic analysing skills related to evolving key technologies in mobile communications business -focusing on essential questions in verbal presentation and defending of own arguments -writing scientific research report

3 Seminar 3 Telecommunications Management Telecommunications Industrial Management Internet & Multimedia

4 Seminar 4 Telecommunications Management Telecommunications (Application area, research target) Industrial Management (Theory) Internet & Multimedia (Application area, research target)

5 Seminar 5 Master’s Thesis Scope  Technology / Product Strategy Analysis  Telecom Service Design  Integration of ICT & Business Processes  Business Analyses Specific to Telecom Sectors

6 Seminar 6 Recent master´s theses  Utilisation of WAP technology in extranet business  Monetary transactions in mobile environment  Centralized VPN management with COPS  Mobile location product strategy  Mobile information systems in maintenance industry  Discriminatory pricing of telecommunications services  UWB technology strategy analysis  Consolidation in the Finnish consumer ISP industry  Disruptive technologies and the music industry

7 Seminar 7 Graduating the course The credit amount of the course ranges from three to four The minimum 3 cr requires -active participation to the seminars (6/8 seminars including introductory session) -holding a presentation (about 30 min) -making a report -acting as opponent, all in English All these achievements together will be evaluated by scale 0-5 (50 % presentation / 50% report) an extra credit can be earned by doing a 5-page summary of Edquist, C. 2003. The Internet and Mobile Telecommunications System of Innovation.

8 Seminar 8 Preparing the report The title of the study can be selected freely The content should however focus on the topics described in the course www-page The report and summary should be e-mailed to in Word format at latest four days before the verbal presentation (summary 27.4) All reports will be put on the course web page, and are available before the presentation Specific feedback of the report are given by the seminar organizers after each presentation session Reports will be published together in a seminar proceedings booklet (TML publication series)

9 Seminar 9 Preparing the presentation sessions On Tuesdays at T3 clock 8.45 starting 16.3. (except 23.3 at 8.15) Overhead and dataprojector are available, you need your own laptop/slides, come early enough to check that everything works Actual presentation 30 min, opponent 10 min and 10 min general discussion Max 20 slides The role of opponent is to review (verbally) both the report and verbal presentation and maybe challenge some arguments of study

10 Seminar 10 Date / Topic / Speaker / Opponent 16.3. / Mobile Market in Finland / Ville Kohonen / Juha Palomäki 16.3. / Mobile Virtual Network Operators / Annukka Kiiski / Renjish Kaleelazhicathu 16.3. / Mobile Data Service Provision / Dudas Istvan / Oskari Westerholm 23.3. / UMTS Value Proposition / Oskari Westerholm / Ville Kohonen 23.3. / UMTS Operator Cases / Renjish Kaleelazhicathu / Annukka Kiiski 23.3. / 3G Situation in China / Kai Wei / Kalle Korenius 23.3. / Mobile Solutions in Business Processes / Sauli Kamppari / Teemu Koponen 30.3. / WLAN Operator Case + Roaming / Timo Smura / Sandro Grech 30.3. / Standard War in 5GHz WLAN / Zahed Iqbal / Ville Leino 30.3. / WLAN VoIP / Aki Anttila / Timo Smura 6.4. / IP over Satellite / Jarkko Viinamäki / Aki Anttila 6.4. / DVB-H Business / Toni Paila / Jarkko Viinamäki 6.4. / Prepaid Mobile Services / Ilkka Jokinen / Petteri Kontio 13.4. / Software Radio / Ville Leino / Dudas Istvan 13.4. / Mobile Terminal OS Competition / Ville Lehtonen / Kai Wei 13.4. / UWB Product Strategy / Eino Kivisaari / Zahed Iqbal 20.4. / Digital Rights Management / Jani Suomalainen / Ilkka Jokinen 20.4. / Mobile Music / Sandro Grech / Ville Leino 20.4. / Mobile Gaming Business / Petteri Kontio / Sauli Kamppari 27.4. / Case WAP: Reasons for Failure / Juha Palomäki / Ville Lehtonen 27.4. / Wireless PKI Business Development / Teemu Koponen / Jani Suomalainen 27.4. / Security in Mobile Content Services / Kalle Korenius / Eino Kivisaari

11 Seminar 11 Levels of knowledge creation Seminar Applying existing literature as a tool to analyse and describe a narrow research target on a general level, subjective conclusions possible Master´s / Licentiate thesis Combining from existing literature your own framework to study normatively a narrow research target, contains still mainly practical, target specific results Doctoral thesis Creation from existing literature and theory an own framework and using it to as a reserach tool in several cases in order to contribute new theory containing causes and effects relevant to a larger research target, conclusion rigorously only based on empirics

12 Seminar 12 Characteristics of ICT Innovation New or improved product from market point of view, which contains new technological solutions and has been commercially successfully introduced to the market Market uncertainty, many technical possibilities open up with unclear market need - many failures - unexpected success stories, typically launched first to business sector No history data of business – difficult to forecast

13 Seminar 13 Technology / Product Strategy Analysis Standard War in 5GHz WLAN Software Radio UMTS Value Proposition WLAN VoIP Mobile Terminal OS Competition UWB in 2004 Security in Mobile Content Services Digital Rights Management

14 Seminar 14 The goal is to analyse under what circumstances the technology in question could be commercially successfully Technical facts must be studied thoroughly, but presented concisely Analyse also the real service behind the technology (product innovation requires service innovation) Use several different sources for information (avoid biased views) Relevant analysing tools can be found in e.g. Shapiro, Varian: Information Rules; McGrath: Product Strategy for High-technology Companies; Burgelman: Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation; Gaynor: Network Services Investment Guide, Edquist: The Internet and Mobile Telecommunications System of Innovation, Muratore: UMTS Technology / Product Strategy Analysis

15 Seminar 15 Telecom Service Design Mobile Data Service Provision IP over Satellite DVB-H WLAN Operator Case + Roaming Mobile Music Mobile Gaming Business Case WAP: Reasons for Failure Wireless PKI Business Development Mobile Solutions in Business Processes Prepaid Mobile Services

16 Seminar 16 Telecom Service Design The goal is to analyse success factors of the services in question from operator´s point of view Technical facts and constraints should be presented only on network architecture level Focus on enduser value, substitutes, required investment costs, pricing, market segments and size In addition to operator interviews, relevant information can be found in e.g. Shapiro, Varian: Information Rules; Gaynor: Network Services Investment Guide, Edquist: The Internet and Mobile Telecommunications System of Innovation, Christensen: Innovators Solution

17 Seminar 17 Business Analyses Specific to Telecom Sectors Mobile Market in Finland Mobile Virtual Network Operators UMTS Operator Cases 3G Situation in China

18 Seminar 18 Business Analyses Specific to Telecom Sectors The goal is to analyse operator business environment in specific telecom subsection in question There is almost no need for explaining technical facts Focus on case operators` business models, market characteristics and dynamics, competitive situation, visions of the future development In addition to operator interviews, relevant information can be found in e.g. Varian: Information Rules; Porter: Competitive Strategy; Grönroos: Nyt kilpaillaan palveluilla; Kotler: Marketing Management; Christensen: Innovators Solution

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