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Bringing Visibility and Control to Your Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Visibility and Control to Your Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Visibility and Control to Your Operations.

2 Agenda 1.Who is SPOTS for? 2.What is SPOTS? 3.A glimpse at SPOTS 4.Basic Features 5.Benefits to You 6.Alternatives 7.Support 8.Questions

3 Who is SPOTS for?  Small Businesses that:  Currently use QuickBooks  Work in sales, distribution, or manufacturing  Have a large number of products, raw materials and suppliers  Experience the following problems:  Complex Supply Chains and Workflows  Visibility and Tracking Issues  Lack of coordination between employees  And wish to:  Reduce cycle times and errors/rework (time is money)  Reduce non-value added activities (ex. waiting)  Reduce their inventory while maintaining good levels of service.  Reduce time spent on tracking and customer inquiries

4 What is SPOTS?  SPOTS is an “Order-Service Centric” business process management software that mimics a small business’ business model.  SPOTS bridges 2 gaps in QuickBooks:  1. The gap between sales orders and invoicing  2. The gap between purchase orders and inventory  Our product tracks information and items through: Complex chains of supply or service Manufacturing environments.


6 Sales Order Start Step 1 Step 2Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Step 2 Step 1 Step 4 Sales Order Closed Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 1 2 3 SPOTS 4 5 6

7 Basic Features  Flexible & Adaptable:  SPOTS mimic the client’s business model  SPOTS allows for flexible routing.  Multidimensional Tracking:  Independent & parallel tracking of orders and items along multiple routes  “Hot Potato” Responsibility:  Tracks transfers of responsibility for orders and items.  Collaboration “Facebook” style:  Conversations and order changes are recorded.

8 Basic Features  QuickBooks Friendly Add-On:  Automatic uploading of data from QuickBooks.  Cloud Software:  There is no need for:  Installations, manual updating, nor IT hardware costs.  Reporting  The use of statuses allows SPOTS to create any report you need  Quick Implementation:  Only a few weeks to be operational  User-friendly and minimal training required.

9 Benefits to You  Our products helps you by:  Increasing efficiency.  Reducing errors.  Improving the quality of your operations.  Help reduce your inventory while maintaining good levels of service.

10 Tracking Alternatives  Other tracking software are complex to use, difficult to implement, or/and expensive.  Practically no solutions are available for QuickBooks users.  Users must migrate to ERP/MRP systems to gain these capabilities.  Our product is simpler, easier, and lower cost without leaving QuickBooks.

11 Customer Support  Use SPOTS-Certified QuickBooks Advisor network.  Contact SPOTS Team

12 SPOTS Contact Information:  Company is located in Dallas, Texas   Email:  Twitter:  @Spots_Online  @Brioneja

13 Questions

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