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Price- winning northern know-how Stora Enso Veitsiluoto Mills 2004.

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1 Price- winning northern know-how Stora Enso Veitsiluoto Mills 2004

2 2 Stora Enso – taking the lead Stora Enso Integrated paper, packaging and forest products company producing publication and fine papers, packaging boards and wood products 15 million tonnes paper and board production capacity 7,4 million m³ sawn timber production capacity Turnover 12.2 billion euros (2003) 44 000 employees in over 40 countries Shares listed on the Helsinki, Stockholm and New York stock exchanges

3 3 Worlds most northern paper mill

4 4 Sheeting plant PM 5 PM 2, PM 3 Veitsiluoto sawmill PM 1 Pulp mill Harbour Power plant Veitsiluoto mills

5 5 Veitsiluoto as part of Stora Enso Fine paper 555,000 t/a – Group 4.4 million t/a Magazine paper 425,000 t/a – Group 8.0 million t/a Sawn timber 290,000 m 3 /a – Group 7.4 million m 3 /a Employees at Veitsiluoto 1576* – Group 44 000 Veitsiluoto turnover 685 million euros* in 2003 – Group 12.2 million euros * ) Including Veitsiluoto unit of Fortek maintenance company

6 6 Veitsiluoto as part of Stora Enso Magazine paperFine paperSawn timber Veitsiluoto millsGroup 0.55 million tonnes 4.4 million tonnes 0.44 million tonnes 8.0 million tonnes7.4 million m 3 0.29 million m 3

7 7 Veitsiluoto as part of Stora Enso Personnel 2003Turnover 2003 Veitsiluoto millsGroup 0.68 billion euros 12,2 billion euros 1,576 44,000

8 8 Organization General Manager Jarkko Tehomaa - Local Services - Environment - Human Resources - Purchasing - Communications - Information Technology Fine Paper Veitsiluoto Mill Publication Paper Veitsiluoto Mill Timber Veitsiluoto Sawmill Fortek Veitsiluoto Business Unit

9 9 Production chart MixingWire section Sheet cutter Pulp cookingBleachingWashingDebarkingChippingWood raw material CalenderSortingPress sectionMachine reels CoaterSlitter winder Customer reels DryerGrinding StorageDelivery to customersReel wrapping

10 10 Office papers from two paper machines Width, mm Speed, m/min Capacity, t/a PM26,5001,200275,000 PM36,5001,200280,000 Pulp mill365,000 Sheeting plant – 4 cut-size production lines, capacity 370,000 t/a Products: document printing paper, envelope paper Main markets: European Union 2003 investment: PM 3 rebuilding, new cut- size line

11 11 Magazine papers from two paper machines Width, mm Speed, m/min Capacity, t/a PM14,4001,250180,000 PM57,4501,300255,000 Product: coated magazine paper Main markets: European Union Investment: peroxide bleaching, start up 2004 day month yeardocumentname/initials11

12 12 History of pine sawing Band saw – chipping canter – circular saw, capacity 290,000 m 3 /a Product: pine sawn timber for construction and joinery industries First Veitsiluoto mill was the sawmill, which started production in 1922 Main markets: United Kingdom and Ireland, Mediterranean countries, Scandinavia Automatic quality grading day month yeardocumentname/initials12

13 13 Raw materials and transport 1000tShipRailRoadTotal Departing Paper54668149763 Sawn timber77083160 Total62368232923 Arriving Wood and wood chips6506657852100 Pulp007979 Fuels00159159 Pigments, chemicals etc.1182263383 J.M.Huber550055 Total 82366712862776 Freight traffic of Veitsiluoto mills in 2003 Shipping through both Veitsiluoto and Ajos harbours

14 14 Certified wood from the north Wood use 2.8 million m 3 /a Wood raw material supplier in Finland: Stora Enso Forest / Northern Finland 25% of wood imported 97% of wood mechanically harvested Forestry workers: 53, special fellings day month yeardocumentname/initials14

15 15 Production 1996-2003 Production, '000 t / m 3 Magazine paper SheetsSawn timber Office papers Pulp

16 16 Turnover 1996-2003 Turnover in million euros Magazine paperOffice papers Veitsiluoto complex (includes sawmill and maintenance unit)

17 17 Personnel 1996-2003 Employees average

18 18 Fuel 95% from Finnish sources Power plant and pulp mill generate about 11,000 TJ of heat for the mills Power plant generates over half of the about 1000 GWh of electricity used by the mills Main fuels: –Black liquor50% –Wood and bark22% –Peat22%

19 19 Residues utilized Into energy: wood and bark residues, sludge from pulp mill effluent treatment plant, soiled paper and board, waste oil and solvents, packaging films, pallets For recycling: office paper, packaging board, clean paper wrappers and cores For landscaping: paper mill effluent treatment plant sludge and fly ash day month yeardocumentname/initials19

20 20 Other residues Metal recycling: cables and other scrap metal Landfill: some soda residues, lime residues, incombustible plastics and other wastes that cannot be recycled Hazardous wastes: batteries, fluorescent lamps, oil filters and other hazardous wastes

21 21 Environmental investments 1988-2003 1994 1995 1988 Biological treatment plant Thawing conveyor in birch line Oxygen bleaching Intermediate oxygen section Third electrostatic precipitator for recovery boiler Concentrated malodorous gas combustion in recovery boiler 1996 Activated sludge plant buffer basin Power plant Thawing conveyor in softwood line 1997 Flotation plant for paper mill waste water treatment Second disk filter for PM2 1998 Waste sorting and collecting system 1999 PM1 centricleaner rejects treatment PM5 centricleaner rejects treatment 2000 System for collecting and burning dilute malodorous gases 1993 1989 2003 Enlargement of biological treatment plant

22 22 Environmental investments 2001- 2003 In 2001: collecting clean water from paper mill separately In 2002: biological plant enlargement (another secondary clarifier) In 2003: enlargement of biological plant day month yeardocumentname/initials22

23 23 Environmental schemes and labels ISO 14001 EMAS Nordic environmental label

24 24 History Sawmill Veitsiluoto mills in eight decades First paper machine Harbour Second paper machine Third paper machine Paper coating began Paper machine 5 completed Sulphate pulp mill First paper sheets Biological plant Fortek maintenance company Sulphite pulp mill Stora Enso Oyj 1922 1930 1993 1955 1959 1961 1963 1969 1972 1977 1981 1995 1998 1989 Enso Oy 1996 Oxygen bleaching 2003 New power plant PM 3 rebuilding

25 25 Prize-winning northern know-how Finnish Quality Award 1998 in industrial organizations category (Enso Publication Papers Oy Ltd, Veitsiluoto mills) The Finnish Human Resources Quality Award 2000 (Stora Enso Publication Papers Oy Ltd, Veitsiluoto mills) day month yeardocumentname/initials25

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