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Jamaica. National Flag Map of Jamaica Population: 2,847,232 Currency: Jamaican dollar Principal Products: agriculture, mining, tourism, oil refining,

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Presentation on theme: "Jamaica. National Flag Map of Jamaica Population: 2,847,232 Currency: Jamaican dollar Principal Products: agriculture, mining, tourism, oil refining,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamaica

2 National Flag Map of Jamaica Population: 2,847,232 Currency: Jamaican dollar Principal Products: agriculture, mining, tourism, oil refining, sugar, cement, chemicals, tobacco processing, textiles, flour milling, processed foods and others Type of government: parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy

3 Main Attractions Montego Bay Negril Ocho Ricos Kingston

4 Brief Story Once a Spanish possession known as Santiago, in 1655 it became an English, and later a British, colony, known as "Jamaica". It achieved full independence on August 6, 1962.With 2.8 million people, it is the third most populous Anglophone country in the Americas, after the United States and Canada. It remains a Commonwealth realm in concert with the Monarchy of Jamaica holding ultimate executive power, where Queen Elizabeth Il is the current head of state and Queen of Jamaica. Kingston is the country's largest city and the capital.

5 Jamaican Music

6 Work Citied ab&q=jamaica%27s+music&oq=jamaica%27s+music&aq=f&aqi=g- s4&aql=1&gs_l=serp.3..0i10l4.2037.31955.0.32375. 8.15j24j4-1.41.0.cqn%2Crate_low%3D0-01%2Crate_high%3D0- 01%2Cmin_length%3D2.1.0.0.c9QpMuMxIDg&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_ pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=3f36ec44d8ae71d8&biw=1024&bih=571=571 Crate_high%3D0.01%2Cmin_length%3D2&gs_nf=1&gs_mss=main%20t ourist%20atta&pq=main%20tourist%20attractions%20in%20jamaica& cp=30&gs_id=3c&xhr=t&q=main+tourist+attractions+in+jamaica&pf= p&safe=active&sclient=psy- ab&oq=main+tourist+attactions+in+jam&aq=0l&aqi=g-l1g- q2&aql=f&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=3f36ec4 4d8ae71d8&biw=1024&bih=571

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