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US Involvement and Escalation SMART Assessment Mr. Whites US History 2.

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Presentation on theme: "US Involvement and Escalation SMART Assessment Mr. Whites US History 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Involvement and Escalation SMART Assessment Mr. Whites US History 2

2 Question #1 Which of the following served as the commander of US troops in Vietnam? A. Dean Rusk B. Clark Clifford C. Robert McNamara D. William Westmoreland

3 Question #2 Which of these describes the tactics that the Vietcong used? A. Shock and awe – hit the Americans with maximum firepower and maintain contact. B. Linear tactics – Vietcong would line up and fire in volleys to maximize firepower. C. Guerilla tactics – use ambushes and the jungle to cause maximum damage quickly, then get away. D. None of the above

4 Question #3 Which of these was NOT a reason that US soldiers were having morale problems during the Vietnam war? A. Rampant drug use among the soldiers B. High casualties that the US army was taking C. They felt their weapons were not as good as the enemys D. Lack of support from home

5 Question #4 How did TV broadcasts from Vietnam affect support for the war? A. Positively – Americans liked seeing all the action and successes that US troops were having. B. Mixed – Americans liked seeing pictures of the action, but some of the informational documentaries were boring. C. Mostly negatively – Graphic pictures and videos of the combat made many Americans think that it wasnt worth being there. D. None of the above.

6 Question #5 This was the name for the struggle between supporters and opponents of the war to win peoples support through the media. A. the Television War B. the Media War C. the Magazine War D. the Newspaper War

7 Question #1 Which of the following men, as secretary of defense, supported a build-up of US forces in Vietnam? A. Henry Kissinger B. Clark Clifford C. Robert McNamara D. William Westmoreland

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