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LISTENING What’d you say?. Hearing and Listening are two distinct activities Hearing = registering sound vibrations Listening = making sense of what is.

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Presentation on theme: "LISTENING What’d you say?. Hearing and Listening are two distinct activities Hearing = registering sound vibrations Listening = making sense of what is."— Presentation transcript:

1 LISTENING What’d you say?

2 Hearing and Listening are two distinct activities Hearing = registering sound vibrations Listening = making sense of what is heard While one may hear something, that does not mean one is listening.

3 Good listening is important because it increases one’s personal and job effectiveness.

4 Methods of becoming a better listener are: Listen with understanding Listen with an open mind Listen actively Listen with empathy

5 A good listener prepares for listening by: Determining the purpose Being ready to listen Accepting one’s share of the responsibility the responsibility

6 Three types of listening CriticalDiscriminativeAppreciation

7 Critical Listening is used to form values and judgments Noting major points Recognizing details Rephrasing/reviewing Detecting bias Determining motives Take notes Practice When listening critically, we evaluate or analyze what the speaker is saying by:

8 Discriminative Listening is used to gain information, such as following directions. Appreciation Listening is used for finding pleasure, such as listening to music

9 When listening, we hear a speaker’s tone which conveys his/her verbal attitude. The tone works with facial expressions and other body language to give the listener an implied meaning which is the hidden meaning in a message.

10 Listening also allows us to hear dialects, which are ways of speaking, including: Slang Colloquialisms Accents These may indicate a speaker’s background or position.

11 When listening, we give the speaker verbal feedback which shows our attention or confusion. We use a clarifying question to better understand speakers’ messages or information

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