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24th Month Meeting WP4 Presentation Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 Benoit LAURENT Federal-Mogul Systems Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "24th Month Meeting WP4 Presentation Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 Benoit LAURENT Federal-Mogul Systems Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 24th Month Meeting WP4 Presentation Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 Benoit LAURENT Federal-Mogul Systems Protection

2 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program Agenda  Brief overview of WP  Background  Structure and progress update  WP4 Highlights during M18-M24  Selected exploitable results  WP4 Future Planning  Discussion Points 2

3 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP4 – Manufacturing processes of 3D TRP final compound Research partners  1 – AIT  6 – Ugent  8 – TUD  9 – Leitat Industrial partners  3 – CRF  4 – Coatema  5 – FMSP  15 – Bentley  17 – Promaut Work Package objective  WP4 develops the models, technologies and process adaptations to implement the final part draping and thermoforming. This WP is closely linked to WP3, developing former industrial steps, and overseen by WP2. 3

4 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP4: Structure and progress update 4 Tasks:  Task 4.1: Final production of the TRTC component 50%  Task 4.2: Product finishing processes and assembly of module components 20% Deliverables:  D4.10: Supervised fixated preforms process M42 – Not complete  D4.11: Ready made technologiesM42 – Not complete

5 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP 4 Highlights M18 – M24 Task 4.1a Draping 5  In coordination with TUD simulations: draping tests over a 450mm hemisphere.  Manual tests simulating an automatic operation using a “push and hold” sequence.  Two hands at a time for draping.  Needles for fixing fabric around the base of the part.  Need for the usage of more or wider robot fingers for reducing space between them and prevent the wrinkling.  Design and building of passive grippers for robotic draping  The Fingers: for holding, dragging and pushing the fabric.  The Jellyfish: for brushing along the surface.

6 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP 4 Highlights M18 – M24 Task 4.1a Draping 6  Following the same draping strategies previously tried.  Tests carried out with a two arms Motoman robot.  Need for increasing the number of “tentacles” and raise their rigidity.  Introduction of active elements into the gripper or the tool.  Manipulation means studied in collaboration with PROMAUT, in case long displacements tasks are required during draping.  Vacuum: no affectation of A-class surfaces, high consumption, overcome porosity.  Needles: hinder surface finish, low consumption, poor holding force.

7 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP 4 Highlights M18 – M24 Task 4.1b Fixation 7  There is a significant melting of the PET-fibers after exposition to 6-9 flashes at a frequency of 2 flashes / s.  The result looks very similar to earlier trials with PP-fibers.  So the combination Glass/PET should be fixable in the same way as Glass/PP. The PET fibers should be black, mixed with white or colorless glass fibers.

8 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP 4 Highlights M18 – M24 Task 4.1d Thermopressing 8  2 nd Process campaign – Flat mold  Glassfibre 3D-Architecture + PP-Matrix

9 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP 4 Highlights M18 – M24 Task 4.1d Thermopressing 9  Design  Complex 3D-Geometry (Butter dish)  Manufacture  Heated top/bottom tools  Interim process campaign  Pure PET-Plate  Material issue  PP/PET  process investigations on plate @ 220 C°  initial U-Profile manufacture  PET  process investigations on plate @ 270 C°

10 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP 4 Highlights M18 – M24 Task 4.2 Product finishing, assembly 10  Metal - GFRP  Mold design  Mold manufacture Top stampBottom Die

11 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP 4 Highlights M18 – M24 Task 4.2 Class A Finish 11  Involved parameters Substrate quality Paint materials Process parameters  Testing requirement established Important characteristics Secondary characteristics  Processes: Formed film (GE plastic/Azdel Inc ) Paint Coating  Literature review Amorphous substrates have higher gloss than semicrystalline matrices Matrix-rich layer improves gloss Adding nano-particles (e.g. CaCO 3 ) can enhance gloss  Patent review Resin rich surface layer (powder or film) Polished mould Metal sheet on composite

12 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program Selected WP exploitable results 12 N.Exploitable result Exploitable result manager Beneficiaries involved Relevant WPs Relevant deliverables Progress % Expected Date of achievement

13 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP Future planning  WP4 meeting: 2013 March 15th in Crepy, France  Milestone 10: Fixation Process (M30 - Coatema)  Process for on-line/off-line fixation of high draped multilayer textiles available and functional  WP4 / WP6 Interractions 13 4.1a4.1d4.1b 4.1c 4.2 5.25.3 3.2c 3.2a 3.1 2.12.2a2.2b2.2c2.3 WP1 WP6 WP3 WP2 WP4 WP5

14 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP Future planning 14

15 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP Future planning 15

16 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program WP 4 Discussion points  WP4 March meeting agenda discussion: Draping Missing input and status 3D textile draping Gripping strategy Fixation Strategy for fixing draped part Thermoforming Lessons learned PET process parameters acquisition 3D textile thermoforming strategy Finishing Sub-part assembly Part integration Class A finish Model and simulation process parameters (D2.6) 16

17 Florence, GZE, 21 February 2013 WP4 | BL A Project co-funded by the EC in the 7 th Framework Program Thank you for your attention! Questions? 17

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