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H1N1 Flu Vaccine EMT Training and Vaccination Program Portage County October 13-17, 2009.

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1 H1N1 Flu Vaccine EMT Training and Vaccination Program Portage County October 13-17, 2009

2 Governor Strickland has declared that Ohio’s EMT’s can give the H1N1 vaccine. This will help Portage County local health departments to vaccinate its population, beginning with health care providers and first responders.

3 Portage County Local Health Departments worked with Robinson Memorial Hospital to provide the state mandated EMT training for H1N1 flu vaccination. Four training days were offered.

4 Karen Towne, PCHD Public Health Nurse, set up the clinics and answered questions about the vaccine.

5 Susie Forgacs, Robinson’s EMT Training Coordinator, provides training mandated by the state to local EMT’s.

6 EMT’s also registered for the Portage County Medical Reserve Corps. EMA Deputy Director John Mason is pictured making the MRC identification badges.

7 Karen Towne oversaw vaccine administrations. Karen is employed by the Portage County Health Department.

8 An EMT administers the Flu Mist vaccine to one of their own. Many of the EMT’s who were eligible for the nasal spray volunteered to take it. In order to take the nasal spray, a person must be between the ages of 2 and 49 with no chronic health conditions. Many of the EMT’s who were eligible for the nasal spray volunteered to take it. In order to take the nasal spray, a person must be between the ages of 2 and 49 with no chronic health conditions.

9 EMT’s are among the first group to get the H1N1 flu vaccine along with other medical professionals who provide direct patient care.

10 Overall, about 70 EMT’s from across the county were trained to give the H1N1 vaccine.

11 Kelly Engelhart, PCHD Director of Nursing and Public Health Nurse, getting her H1N1 Flu Mist.

12 Finishing his day, long-time EMT, Firefighter and EMA Deputy Director John Mason gets his H1N1 flu shot.

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